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MemberWe've been really busy on a lot of cool new projects. The big push with Genesis was HTML5 and we have been releasing quite a few themes. At least one is using the customizer for some of the features. I think it is Parallax from memory. are working on some cool stuff with the customizer and want to use it more but some of the features we need are a bit limited and need some changes in WP.
Ideally I'd love to see all the Genesis settings options moved to the customizer, for example, but some things we've tried just don't format well and we don't have a lot of options on fixing those things, especially with other plugins making more use of it.
Look to see it being used more and more but it may be a while before we go all in.
MemberThanks for expressing your concerns. Please note this is a community forum which means it is not a place of official support and it also means your concerns are not always going to be seen. If you have something you wish to be seen officially please contact us via the help desk. want to address a few things, then I will close this thread because it is not appropriate for the community forum. I am sure that those addressing their concerns feel differently, but our official stance is this is a place for users to help each other, not express grievances. Thanks for your understanding.
I've noted a few misunderstandings and so I think it is important to address them.
Misunderstanding #1: You have to use the new theme.
This is simply not true. You can use it, but the old theme is available for download to our members in the retired themes section.Misunderstanding #2: Old themes aren't going to work in the future.
Other theme shops have done that and it causes a lot of grief. We worked very hard to make sure the existing child themes work on Genesis 2.0+Misunderstanding #3: The one click update should apply to child themes
This was never intended for Genesis. The child themes have always been made so that they wouldn't be updated. If there is an update it is best to think of them as a new theme. Every major update for every child theme has been essentially a new theme visually and to some degree functionally. Agency 1.0 to 2.0 is a hugely different theme. Agency 3.0 is also very different. This isn't a new phenomenon. The difference is you can update Genesis for core functionality so that your theme will be current with WordPress.Genesis came out several years ago about the time WordPress 2.9 came out. Child themes built on Genesis 1.0 (actually even ones built on the beta precursor) still work. Genesis 1.4 introduced the one click update. The oldest child themes work with Genesis 2.0 with little to no required code changes and that means they work great with WordPress 3.7.
Very few themes can do that. This does not mean that the child themes should be one click updates. That isn't what they are made to be and never has been.
Now, I wanted to address the main concern here. Agency 2.0 is an XHTML theme and not an HTML5 theme.
We do not officially support HTML5 updates. The Agency 2.0 theme is a good theme and it has worked well. There is no specific reason that users HAVE to update to Agency 3.0 or convert to HTML5. This is why we do not officially support it. If the major browsers announced that they were officially dropping support for XHTML we might change our official stance, but that would never happen.
Users can opt to update their Agency 2.0 theme to HTML5 but it is customization. Had we never made Agency 3.0 and instead retired Agency at 2.0 it would be the same effect.
The difference is Agency 3.0 was released and now users who had purchased Agency 2.0 or even 1.0 have access to that theme for no added cost. This brings me to the final misunderstanding.
Misunderstanding #4: StudioPress doesn't care about existing customers.
We absolutely do. We are one of the few theme shops that would give you Agency 3.0 for free regardless of when you purchased Agency in the first place. The price of Agency 3.0 increased and still you get it for no added cost. Additionally, we are one of the few theme shops that allow you to use our themes on unlimited site and receive theme support for life. Most theme shops are trying to find ways to get more money out of their existing customers so they have 1 year or 2 year licenses and limit the number of sites you can officially use the theme on. They charge for updates to their themes and basically try to squeeze every last penny out of their customers and especially developers.I do understand that our position on the HTML5 conversion may not match what you would like to see, but please do see that you have received the theme you paid for, received support, received however much use of that theme that you desired, and also received a brand new theme at no added cost. You have received a TON for no added costs. I know you want more but at this time we are not going to offer free HTML5 conversion or free customization. If you stop and think about what you are asking, especially in light of what you have already received, you will see that our position on this makes sense and we have been extremely fair in what we do provide to our customers.
As I said in the outset, I will be closing this thread as it is not appropriate for the community forums. It just isn't going to lead to anything constructive there. If you need assistance with conversion please start a new thread. If you would like to address your concerns officially, please contact us in help desk.
Thanks for being a valued customer.
MemberSorry, we do not have any public release information on when the themes will be released or even if they will for sure be updated. I know a lot of users would love this information, but to be honest we've been burned pretty bad in the past we so try to only release theme details when they are almost 100% ready.
The fact is, sometimes a theme looks good but it gets to our QA team and we find a bunch of bugs and kick it back for fixes. This is why we have several themes in development at a given time and why we don't say which themes are are releasing till we know they are ready.
September 24, 2013 at 10:20 am in reply to: StudioPress Themes Promo get themes "in the future" #63983nickthegeek
MemberAlso, since Genesis 2.0 released we have had about 1 theme release a week and will for a while based on designs that the developers have. We don't want to totally flood the market with new themes so this will taper off eventually but before Genesis 2.0 was released we hired a new designer/developer to make sure we have lots of new themes.
This is one of the big reasons that the ProPlus price is going up.
I do not recommend reverting to 1.9. This might work as a short term fix but if you get stuck on Genesis 1.9 you will eventually get stuck in WordPress. It might be 3.6 or 3.7 or even 4.2, but eventually you will not be able to update WordPress. This is a very bad thing and misses the point of Genesis updates.
Instead, please start a ticket with us in so we can identify why there is a large difference in load times and help make sure your update works correctly.
Membertry this variation
[post_terms before='Price: ' taxonomy='price']nickthegeek
MemberThanks, that is a good suggestion. I was needing to log in to comment on a thread a few days ago and felt confused for a minute myself.
August 22, 2013 at 5:28 pm in reply to: How to upload profile picture in studiopress/bbpress forum? #58304nickthegeek
Thanks for the recommendation. We can look into the hosted avatars, but I think the plan is to stick with Gravatar. The nice thing about gravatar, it will give you ongoing identity wherever you comment, write, or anything that is using gravatar.
MemberThe best solution is to do a full backup first. You can downgrade, but a backup is the best solution. Also, if you have a problem contact us in support at
MemberI'll be closing this thread to new comments. If you have official questions, please feel free to write us in support. The forums are not where we handle official communication.
That said, I want to make a few things very clear.
First, all existing themes are compatible with Genesis 2.0. This is something we worked very hard on. You can use any of the themes already released with Genesis 2.0
Second, I know a lot of people are anxious for HTML5 themes. We are developing a whole slew of HTML5 themes. I've seen quite a few and I'm really impressed by them. I know that people want to see us drop 30 new themes out. That isn't good for our business though. If we flood the market with new themes we create a huge supply but the demand remains constant and that causes the themes to be devalued by comparison. It is basic supply and demand. Please don't expect us to make bad business choices. You wouldn't want to do that to your self.
Third, and finally, we know that people are anxious for more themes and so we are shooting for 1-2 themes a week for the next several weeks. This will help us to get the backlog of themes out the door without flooding the market, which is actually bad for everyone. While we cannot promise a fixed number of themes, expect to see regular updates. For example, Going Green just updated today, if you have questions or concerns, contact us directly. The forums simply aren't where you will be getting official responses. Thanks.
MemberHey folks, Susan is right, if you need an official response please submit a support ticket. This is very easy. Log into then click the "Get Help" link on the right most menu. For an issue like this select the "technical" option from the drop down.
To save us both time, please make sure you include the URL to your site in the provided field.
You should receive a confirmation email if the ticket was correctly submitted. If you didn't receive the confirmation email, please make sure that you have whitelisted with your email service and the email client didn't spam our email. Also, please watch for any error messages when submitting your ticket and double check that your email address was entered correctly.
If you have submitted a ticket but have not heard back from us in 24 hours (we usually reply much faster than that) submit a second ticket.
I think that about covers it all.
As a general fix for this issue. Find #header { } in your style.css file. It might occur more than once and there will be some rules inside the { }. Make that #wrap #header { } (again, there will be rules inside the { } but since this is general I can't provide with the exact rules for all sites)
That will fix most of the header issues. For specific help, contact us. This is a support issue and we will help.
Memberthere will be issues. This is the old Magazine theme, pre Genesis. The option system breaks in WordPress 3.4. We can help fix it, but your client needs to update to a Genesis child theme for future proof updating. Your client can update for free if they purchased Magazine. have them contact us. We can get them setup with a account and access to the new themes.
MemberJust so everyone knows, there was a change in WordPress 3.6 that caused problems. We were using WordPress 3.6 beta and RC during our testing and this did not come up for us until after we released Premise 2.5.1, otherwise we would have patched it for that.
We are in final testing on this and hope to have Premise 2.5.2 released very soon. It is very important to us that we not rush the patch even though this is something we want to release quickly. We would not be well served by releasing a 2.5.2 patch only to find other issues that need to be addressed in a 2.5.3 or worse, to have this patch break sites because we didn't test to the best of our abilities.
Thanks for your understanding and for bringing this to the attention of users who may be waiting on the WordPress update.
I'm going to close this thread. At this time the StudioPress forums is not ideal for communicating with Premise users since only a small portion of potential Premise users participate here. We are looking into potential solutions for providing a place for our Premise community, but at this time we don't have that option available.
MemberSorry we do not keep legacy downloads. You should be using 2.0 for new development. You can start with older themes, it doesn't require the new HTML5 themes.
MemberPlease make a custom menu item. You can add "Home" as the menu item label and as the value.
July 30, 2013 at 8:18 am in reply to: Plans to offer a studio Press dashboard for better management and updating? #53205nickthegeek
MemberWe are not planning this because updates are intended to come through Genesis and not the child theme. While users can update child themes, we advise to edit them directly for customizations, so a dashboard item like that could confuse users and cause a lot of problems if they updated their customized theme.
MemberOn the first site, I see that you have pagination enabled. The post per page has to be set to the same as your reading settings. If it were two different numbers you would get 404 errors.
The other suggestion I would have is to disable all plugins to make sure another plugin isn't affecting anything.
MemberNot easily, but it can be done. It will require a lot of custom code including custom CSS and PHP functions. This wouldn't be for the faint at heart. I'm not going to be able to write up the code, but here is an article that will show how you can add custom fields with virtually any content to the Slider.
As you can see it is a good bit of work just to get the video in there, then you will have to style that. More over, you will have to deal with the responsiveness and the fact that it is expecting an image.
Then you have to deal with playing your video, which isn't going to be easy because if your visitors move the cursor to view the video the slide may change ...
A better solution might be to use the Genesis Media Project plugin, which has a tabber designed for video. You can see it in action in the Production demo
MemberMy recommendation is to use the fewest number of plugins you can to achieve your goals for the site. I don't believe in "must have" plugins and only use the plugins I need for a site. Great example, Gravity forms is the closest I could come to a "must have" plugin and every time I setup a site I ask myself if I really need forms on this particular site. I've setup some sites without it, but more often than not I want a contact form and some type of opt in form. Both of which Gravity Forms can do.
Still, I look at the plan for the site and really ask if I need those features each and every time.
I do that with every plugin. I'm not shooting for a max number of plugins though. Some sites I am running 2 or 3 plugins. Other sites I have more like 20 or 30. I probably average something like 12-14.
Just a fun bit of reading that goes in depth on my thoughts for this as well as listing some of the plugins I'm running on a couple of sites to give an idea of why I chose those for those specific sites
MemberThere is no way to remove it without making all new template and skipping the genesis(); function. If you do this you may affect how other Genesis plugins work with your site and potentially cause problems with updates in the future so I don't recommend it.