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Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberIn my testing I've noticed that there are some widgets available in Gutenberg editor. Does studiopress have plans to make the featured posts/pages/enews widgets available in gutenberg?
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.June 13, 2017 at 12:27 pm in reply to: wordpress admin panel doesn't work if a genesis theme is active #207708Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberYes, I'm looking for answers to the same question.
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberThere isn't a way to stop indexing of parts of a page, unless that part is in an iframe.
Hope that helps!
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.June 9, 2016 at 8:27 pm in reply to: Photo gallery plugin: lightbox with slider of multiple photos for single photo #187304Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberI understand I think, what you are trying to achieve. The problem is your last line in your request. Even with loading one thumbnail on the page (and for example, 6 that will only show in the popup)... and another thumb (with 4 attached for a popup)... etc - you're loading all of those images - even the ones you can't see. If load time isn't your issue, and you just want to make it visually appealing, I like the and it opens thumbs in a lightbox. I recommend using a regular image as a thumb, and putting a link on the thumb to the lightbox gallery. That way you don't have to play with getting a 'front image' or a 'thumb' for each gallery to show up nicely. Just do the thumbs manually. 🙂
Let me know if that doesn't work.
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberTry using the Restrict Widgets plugin instead. Its pretty easy to use. 🙂
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberCan you send the link to the live post? I can't help with just a screenshot. 🙂
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberSince background slider master, works, try to keep it.
See if you can turn off the "Global" setting - so it doesn't apply the slider to all pages.
If you're using a home Page (under Settings -> Reading) then you can go to the Home Page and add the slider there. If you're not - and the widgets are automatically showing up on the home page... (the settings >> reading settings are blank) then do the following:
Remove the BGSlider Master.
Add Soliloquy lite, and create the slider.
Go to Appearance >>Widgets and add soliloquy to the Home Featured widget area. That should only appear on the home page. 🙂Let me know if that doesn't work for you!
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberTry this:
But when people want email on their site, I usually type the name and use an a href="mailto... tag.
No problem - hope this helps!
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberIf client wants a list of posts, I always use the front page (with widgets) and put the extended featured post widget - set to look like a regular blog. just link the next/prev links manually.
If you want to use the default blog archive as the home page, you can do that, just use the functions file to hook into before the content-sidebar area and add your widget area.
And remove the top widgets and replace with your own. Get your hands dirty in that php! Its like riding a bike. 🙂
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.June 9, 2016 at 7:45 pm in reply to: Access my Custom Blog Design from the Newly Created Front-Page #187298Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberHi there, I'm trying to understand the question.
To create a separate landing page full-width, do this:
To have a separate landing page - create a new Page named Home or Front or whatever. Go to Settings -> Reading and select the new Page(Home or Front or whatever) from the Front Page setting. Go to the Home page (or Front or whatever) and under layout, select "full page width". Then add your content as you wish.Then Create a new Blog Page (name it Blog or News or whatever) and in Settings -> Reading select Blog as the blog posts page. Add the new Blog page to the Navigation menu (Appearance >> Menus) so that you can click to get there. Then go to the Blog page, select "Blog Template" under the Page Template section (right hand of the Page edit screen). Sometimes it is called "Blog Page". Anything written on this page will NOT show up - this page will now oNLY display your blog posts. Go to the front of your blog to test the Blog link - it should show a list of posts.
Even if you used the functions file to create a new landing page, you should still be able to link to it, from the navigation.
Let me know if that answers the question?
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.June 9, 2016 at 6:39 pm in reply to: modifying search php in child theme to find Nextgen tags #187293Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberHi there.
Try this in search.php
<?php remove_action( 'genesis_loop', 'genesis_do_loop' ); add_action( 'genesis_loop', 'wpb_ngg_img_results' ); function wpb_ngg_img_results() { if ( function_exists( 'ngg_images_results' ) ) ngg_images_results(); } genesis();
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberThe widgets themselves aren't indexed - if you mean the posts, you can change the author in the posts themselves. Go to the Post in question, change the author to the correct author. If the author is correct but the NAME isn't. Then go to Users -> the admin user, and edit the settings so that the right name, email, social media shows up. It is especially important to connect the Google Plus profile of each user.
Also, if you have SEO by Yoast plugin installed you can edit the crawling of individual authors there.
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberIf you do not want search engines to crawl your category archives as well as the single posts, you can install the plugin - SEO by Yoast for WordPress and configure the options for crawling there. This is a bad idea though!
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberHi Rick,
It sounds like a caching issue. It should have resolved itself by now?
Also - there is no need to upgrade your child theme unless you want to get the new look/features. If you upgraded to Pro, that is a good thing for SEO. Sorry you don't find it as beautiful though!
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.June 9, 2016 at 6:25 pm in reply to: Atmosphere Pro – How to Add a Slider to Front Page 1 Widget #187289Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberLooks like you figured it out! 🙂
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.June 9, 2016 at 6:23 pm in reply to: Add this Social buttons widget conflict with homepage widgets? #187288Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberDid you find the setting within Add This plugin to allow the buttons to show on excerpts?
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberHi Dan,
Bill Erickson's code should work, did you put it in like this: (in the functions file?). How familiar are you with editing code? If somethings wrong with the code the only way to fix it is through FTP.
If you're ok with that, try:
remove_action( 'genesis_entry_content', 'genesis_do_post_image', 8 ); add_action( 'genesis_entry_content', 'be_display_image_and_caption', 8 ); function be_display_image_and_caption() { echo '<div class="featured-image">'; the_post_thumbnail(); echo '<span class="caption">' . get_post( get_post_thumbnail_id() )->post_excerpt . '</span>'; echo '</div>'; }
This is untested - not sure if the get_post_thumbnail_id -> post_excerpt will work... let me know! 🙂
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.June 9, 2016 at 6:05 pm in reply to: Metro Theme: post tags disappearing and recent posts randomly appearing #187283Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberHi Ariane,
I had a look. You're using plugins for the home page? The widget in the Friday Finds column, needs to have the Friday Finds category selected. And then below - if you mean to put a list of recent blogs from that one category (Friday Finds), then you put a number in that slot "2" etc. And title it, "More" or "More from Friday Finds"... right now they are all showing the same posts in the list. And they are all labeled "recent". They are configured incorrectly unless they are all categorized in all the categories. For example, "Beautiful Wedding Cakes" are tagged in Real Weddings AND Friday Finds - and then again below in the Recent posts widget (twice)...
Go to appearance > Widgets and play with the settings in the Home page widget area widgets. Leave another question if you need help with the settings.
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberHi again 🙂
YOu need to add this to the functions file (Be careful and take a backup, if you mess this up, the only way to fix it is through FTP).
remove_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'genesis_post_info', 12 ); add_action('genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_post_info', 12);
Play with the "12" in the second line to get the info to show where you'd like, stay between 6 and 14.
If there is a bunch of space under the photo, use this to remove the markup for the post info:remove_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'genesis_entry_header_markup_open', 5 ); remove_action( 'genesis_entry_header, 'genesis_entry_header_markup_close', 15 );
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes.Cathy @ WPBarista
MemberThis is a bit above my pay grade... but an interesting idea! Have you looked at how they do it in admin - for logged in users?
Visit WP Barista to download 52 Quick Edits You Can do Today to Get More Clicks / Views / Sales. I also do paid support (starting at $75) and fully custom Genesis Child Themes. -