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Thanks. I can "inspect" but I don't always understand what I'm looking at. I had a couple classes many years ago.
I'm not sure how I would have have known H1 was wrapped in the title. It was more confusing that the theme editor would show an H1. I *think* I'm learning that I should "inspect" rather than look in the theme editor.
I would love to learn how to use Dev Tools. Is that a self learning thing or is there a class? I appreciate the DPP suggestion. I see where I can easily change the title but haven't found the other heading adjustments.
I'm not a designer. I'm a restoration practitioner wanting a nice looking website to help other landowners understand complex and complicated processes. I make no money off this site, the site is solely for educational purposes and my work is 100% volunteer.
I really appreciate your help.
marciParticipantThrough this process, I *think* I've figured out that the post and page titles are NOT H1. Can someone help me with the CSS to change those as well? I'd like to make them smaller and use the same font as the headings (H1-H6) which I'd like to be Arial Narrow.
marciParticipantI found the style sheet for these but can someone help me to ensure I do the CSS correctly? I'm not sure I understand the font size in "rem" - can I change it to "pt"? And how would I underline or italicize? I'm not a designer.
h6 {
color: #333;
font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: 700;
line-height: 1.25;
margin: 0;
margin-bottom: 10px;
padding: 0;
}h1 {
font-size: 42px;
font-size: 4.2rem;
}h2 {
font-size: 36px;
font-size: 3.6rem;
}h3 {
font-size: 30px;
font-size: 3rem;
}h4 {
font-size: 24px;
font-size: 2.4rem;
}h5 {
font-size: 20px;
font-size: 2rem;
}h6 {
font-size: 16px;
font-size: 1.6rem;
}marciParticipantPerfect!!! Thank you so much. I knew it had to be something easy and yet not something I'd done before.
marciParticipantYea, sorry 'bout that. I have completely and utterly thrown up my hands and given up on that slider. Too frustrating. Not worth our time. Thank you for trying to help me.
It's weird that I'm not getting email notifications even when I have the box checked.
I have another question that I'll ask separately.
marciParticipantAlso am wondering why Studio Press would not have notified me of this? That would have saved me so much time and angst!
marciParticipantThanks, Anita. This is the answer I needed. Would you be able to share what theme your client is interested in? If they liked Prose, maybe I would like the new one and it would save me some time??
marciParticipantYes, I know I shouldn't be too concerned with it, but I'm taking a class and wanted to try out all the things that were suggested and learn each one. This one has/had me perplexed.
I'm using Yoast SEO as a plug in. I'll look into it further to see if I can figure out how to set this.
Thanks for your time!
marciParticipantThat URL is for the SEO function. It doesn't show the visitor to the site how the site is layed out. This is what I was hoping my site map page would look like. How do I do something like this?
marciParticipantMany HUGE thanks for taking the time to help me!! Can you tell me where you found the content colum width? Obviously, I wasn't looking in the right place.
marciParticipantThanks for your help! That made everything go to 1.0 line height. I only want the lines in the widgets in the footer. I "inspected" the element but am not confident because of my newbie status but it looks like an unordered list, possibly in a table? Would this be the widget configuring this or code within the footer?
marciParticipantThanks so much for the help! I'm not having any luck making it work. I have unchecked the minify but it's not a plug in on this theme. I tried adding it in both CSS editing places, one at a time-- not sure which one takes priority over the other so tried them both. Sure wished the font color was a simple dropdown menu choice on the theme! Would make it easier for a newbie like me.
marciParticipantThanks for the explanation! I hadn't seen that in other themes.
marciParticipantThe font is named "Share Tech". OK -- I'll add those weights...I wasn't sure what those were. Thanks again!
marciParticipantI realize I don't know where to put the font name. Is this correct?
//* Enqueue Google Fonts
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'genesis_sample_google_fonts' );
function genesis_sample_google_fonts() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'google-fonts', '// Tech(), CHILD_THEME_VERSION );
}marciParticipantThanks. I'll try this out.
marciParticipantI hope it's OK that I pop into this thread as I'm wanting to do the exact same thing as the end result that you are showing. Thanks for the code for moving the title. I'm having problems with getting the title and tag line to format properly. I also included the CSS change for the title and tagline font but it doesn't seem to responding correctly. I'd also like to have the font match the "Welcome to the Driftless Prairies" and I'd like to play with the color of the font. My site is Many thanks!