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Hi - sorry for not replying, I missed the thread
Body and/or other elements - depending upon the theme
first try would be Metro Pro Backstretch Image
but other themes would also be very useful - homepage elements mostly
November 6, 2016 at 1:11 pm in reply to: How to make my footer widgets expand to an equal height? #195794wasanajonesMemberfor anyone looking for a solution, this works great
doesn't add bloat, works quick and easily
wasanajonesMemberthank you, I missed the notify email, thus delay in appreciation
another thread I missed, has link to start explaining flexthere is actually a wordpress plugin to add the matchheight jquery 1, 2016 at 8:35 am in reply to: How to Assign Custom Post Class to all posts in a Category #192464wasanajonesMemberthanks
wasanajonesMemberWhat I had in mind was for any div element, being able to have the background image change when a page was refreshed.
not the whole page background (which people do using backstretch and other magical wizardry)
I was hoping for a CSS solution -- but it might be a matter of diminishing returns as it may not be as simple as I imagined.
wasanajonesMemberthanks, would be much appreciated.
I know much has been done for page backgrounds, so I wonder about adding a class to that arrangement.
of course it is about 4 steps above my skill-set pay grade to figure out.
October 22, 2015 at 1:13 am in reply to: Common background image for site-header & nav-secondary #168735wasanajonesMemberthanks. that does make sense.
wasanajonesMemberI'm surprised its this complicated, but here is my solution
I used (and edited) the snippet provided by Ren Ventura at his blog
<?php //* Mind this opening PHP tag /** * Prints a category's title and description (no markup added) * * @author Ren Ventura * @link */ add_action( 'genesis_before_content', 'rv_output_category_info' ); function rv_output_category_info() { if ( is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax() ) { echo single_term_title(); echo term_description(); } }
I have Genesis Extender Plugin from Cobalt which makes it easy to add to functions.php without having to update the actual template file (along with lots of other handy features)
I also added the well respected Allow HTML in Category Descriptions plugin from Arno Esterhuizen on the WP repository.
And for good measure to make sure I called the correct action hook, I added Genesis Visual Hook Guide also from Christopher Cochran on
Because the original snippet output the category title as a <p> tag I actually removed echo single_term_title(); and added some Htags to the description along with an image.
I added
add_filter( 'term_description', 'shortcode_unautop'); add_filter( 'term_description', 'do_shortcode' );
to allow shortcodes to work in the category description
I also didn't want it displaying above content (ie above the sidebar) I changed 'genesis_before_content' to 'genesis_before_loop'
now I can edit Category descriptions as default wordpress, and display some extra pizzazz
wasanajonesMemberThanks, but I still don't get it
edit category page... what page would that be? isn't it a template
wasanajonesMemberHi - thanks for follow-up
it's resolved using a page builder
wasanajonesMemberahhh... thanks for setting me straight on that
wasanajonesMemberGoing to go with Beaver Builder.
they are getting more Genesis friendly all the time
some tweaks should get the horizontal widgets on Magazine Pro
wasanajonesMemberwasanajonesMemberabsolutely must have pause on hover for the slider
a corporate site... people might actually want to read them,
middle-aged guys... click off, I did
and now it is 3 seconds to convey your message, not 10 then 6 then...
(scroll/swipe is standard behavior now with tablets/ipads training users)
(click behavior has changed dramatically with users willing to navigate)not many users read blocks of text any more (on landing pages anyway)
google... google doesn't even know what their algorithm does... 1 million servers crunching data... regional formulas...
wasanajonesMemberkaspersky access denied
The requested object at the URL:
Threat detected:
object infected HEUR:Trojan.Script.Iframer
wasanajonesMemberthanks Brad - I had strayed away from genesis following the lure of easy layouts... but now I know nothing beats the support found here