Forum Replies Created
September 28, 2015 at 4:43 pm in reply to: Links in comments causing problems with mobile view #166897
MemberThank you so much for your help! I just made the change and will have to wait until my cache clears to see if it worked. ๐
September 28, 2015 at 2:27 pm in reply to: Links in comments causing problems with mobile view #166877cookieandkate
MemberThanks, Tom! The link you provided is actually the comment that causes the problem. I guess that links in comment replies break as they should and don't change the layout.
I think you'll see it if you open it on your iPhone. Here are screenshots of what I see on my phone: 16, 2015 at 5:27 pm in reply to: How to build custom widget area for recipes above related posts #144677cookieandkate
MemberYou all are awesome. Thank you so much! I am going to check out your last idea. I found out that I could also built a custom recipe template through my recipe plugin and add that line at the end, which may be the easier solution. Thanks again!
March 11, 2015 at 10:17 am in reply to: How to build custom widget area for recipes above related posts #144027cookieandkate
MemberThank you for your suggestions! I don't love the idea of adding more scripts to my page and hiding the CSS on non-recipe posts. Surely there is another way to do it?
MemberGenwrock, that code works marvelously! Thank you so very much!!!
MemberOk, I realize I have repeats of sk_page_archive_content... but removing one or the other doesn't solve the problem.
MemberThank you all so much for your help! Lauren, yes, "Array" is only printed once at the beginning of the letters.
<div class="entry-content" itemprop="text">Array<div class='tag-group'><div class='tag-title' id='A'>A</div>
Genrock, I really appreciate your detailed instructions. I believe I'm implemented them as instructed, but I'm getting a blank page. Do you see what's wrong here? I'm stuck and would so appreciate your help.
<?php /* Template Name: Tag Index */ //* Remove standard post content output /*remove_action( 'genesis_post_content', 'genesis_do_post_content' ); remove_action( 'genesis_entry_content', 'genesis_do_post_content' ); add_action( 'genesis_entry_content', 'sk_page_archive_content' ); add_action( 'genesis_post_content', 'sk_page_archive_content' );*/ add_filter( 'the_content', 'sk_page_archive_content', ); function sk_page_archive_content($content) { /** * This function outputs posts grouped by year and then by months in descending order. * */ function sk_page_archive_content() { global $post; echo // Make an array from A to Z. $characters = range('A','Z'); // Retrieve all tags $getTags = get_tags( array( 'order' => 'ASC') ); // Retrieve first letter from tag name $isFirstCharLetter = ctype_alpha(substr($getTags[0]->name, 0, 1)); // Special Character and Number Loop // Run a check to see if the first tag starts with a letter // If it does not, run this if ( $isFirstCharLetter == false ){ // Print a number container $html .= "<div class='tag-group'>"; $html .= "<h3 class='tag-title'>#</h3>"; $html .= "<ul class='tag-list'>"; // Special Character/Number Loop while( $isFirstCharLetter == false ){ // Get the current tag $tag = array_shift($getTags); // Get the current tag link $tag_link = get_tag_link($tag->term_id); // Print List Item $html .= "<li class='tag-item'>"; // Check to see how many tags exist for the current letter then print appropriate code if ( $tag->count > 1 ) { $html .= "<p><a href='{$tag_link}' title='View all {$tag->count} articles with the tag of {$tag->name}' class='{$tag->slug}'>"; } else { $html .= "<p><a href='{$tag_link}' title='View the article tagged {$tag->name}' class='{$tag->slug}'>"; } // Print tag name and count then close the list item $html .= "<span class='tag-name'>{$tag->name}</span></a><span class='tag-count'>({$tag->count})</span></p>"; $html .= "</li>"; // Retrieve first letter from tag name // Need to redefine the global variable since we are shifting the array $isFirstCharLetter = ctype_alpha(substr($getTags[0]->name, 0, 1)); } // Close the containers $html .= "</ul>"; $html .= "</div>"; } // Letter Loop do { // Get the right letter $currentLetter = array_shift($characters); // Print stuff $html .= "<div class='tag-group'>"; $html .= "<div class='tag-title' id='{$currentLetter}'>{$currentLetter}</div>"; $html .= "<ul class='tag-list'>"; // While we have tags, run this loop while($getTags){ // Retrieve first letter from tag name $firstChar = substr($getTags[0]->name, 0, 1); // Does the first letter match the current letter? // Check both upper and lowercase characters for true if ( strcasecmp($currentLetter, $firstChar) == 0 ){ // Get the current tag $tag = array_shift($getTags); // Get the current tag link $tag_link = get_tag_link($tag->term_id); // Print stuff $html .= "<li class='tag-item'>"; // Check to see how many tags exist for the current letter then print appropriate code if ( $tag->count > 1 ) { $html .= "<p><a href='{$tag_link}' title='View all {$tag->count} articles with the tag of {$tag->name}' class='{$tag->slug}'>"; } else { $html .= "<p><a href='{$tag_link}' title='View the article tagged {$tag->name}' class='{$tag->slug}'>"; } // Print more stuff $html .= "<span class='tag-name'>{$tag->name}</span></a><span class='tag-count'>({$tag->count})</span></p>"; $html .= "</li>"; } else { break 1; } } $html .= "</ul>"; $html .= "</div>"; } while ( $characters ); // Will loop over each character in the array // Let's see what we got: $content .= $html; return $content; } ?> <?php } remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_entry_footer_markup_open', 5 ); remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_post_meta' ); remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_entry_footer_markup_close', 15 ); genesis();
MemberIf it's too complicated to insert the page text before the list, I'd like to be able to insert HTML code to display above the list in my PHP code. I can't figure out how to do that. I still can't figure out how to remove the word "Array" that shows up before my list. (Again, here's my screenshot:
MemberThanks, you two.
Anita: No, I don't see anything on those themes like what I want.
I understand that the code I provided strips the page content from the code. I don't want that to happen. I want to be able to add page content like I would for any page, THEN I want the tag list that I've designed to display underneath that content.
Brad: Thank you for sharing the capitalization trick. I don't know where to insert that code into my PHP template, though.
Your category solution is cool, but I have a couple hundred tags that I'm trying to list. I just want the tag names to appear in an alphabetical list, like I've already designed, but I want the page content to appear above it. Do you know how to make that happen?
I'd really love your help here! Thank you,
MemberThanks again for your help. Yes, I have ad code and tracking codes in my Genesis settings. Do you know of a way to make my menu load first?
MemberDoes anyone have clues for me on this issue? It's very distracting on page load and I'd like to fix it. Even if it's just a CSS fix that prevents the menu from loading at full size at first.
MemberAwesome, thank you! I deleted it and cannot detect any issues with the file being missing.
MemberNo! I am not. I haven't received a single trackback since launching my new Genesis-based theme, even when I change my Genesis settings to allow trackbacks.
MemberSridhar, somehow I missed your comment way back when! Thank you very much for your help! I finally have the comments looking the way I want them to, based on your code.
June 1, 2014 at 3:34 pm in reply to: Custom page template that inserts widget before content #107780cookieandkate
MemberNever could figure this one out. Seemed simple.
MemberI give up. Couldn't figure out how to make this work with Relevanssi.
MemberWell, I don't know why, but it's working as it should again when I use the following code
<!--more Continue to the recipe ยป-->
MemberThanks for your help, Anitac. Any luck finding an answer on twitter?
MemberI see it load fully and then shrink down on my iPhone. It does the same thing when the site loads within my desktop browser if I shrink the browser window down to the smallest size, width wise.
MemberThe link has always worked fine on my website. I just needed my RSS feed to cut off at the more link. It's been working intermittently in that regard—I have no idea why it doesn't always work properly, but the past two posts have been cut off as desired.