Forum Replies Created
ParticipantOh, thank you Brad! That did the trick! And now I know another place to look for these things. 🙂
This is resolved now.
ParticipantWhoops. I forgot to paste my css.
.header-hero {
background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(49,13,0,0.5) 50%, rgba(49,13,0,0.85) 100%), url(;
ParticipantThank you! That would explain why my css approach wasn't working.
Unfortunately, I can't find find that line anywhere in the Essence Pro functions file. Line 179 adds support for custom logos. And the following is all I can find that has to do with the hero image but it doesn't control color/transparency.
// Adds support for custom header.
'custom-header', array(
'default-image' => essence_get_default_hero_background_image(),
'header-text' => false,
'header-selector' => '.header-hero',
'flex-height' => true,
'flex-width' => true,
'height' => 800,
'width' => 1600,
'wp-head-callback' => 'essence_header_style',
);I tried Inspect yet again and this time it got me closer. If I add this to my Additional CSS (the method I strongly prefer for handling this in this multisite) I get the nice dark chocolate brown overlay I think the client will find more pleasant. However, and this is a deal killer, it locks all the hero images into being that one in the URL. I want to use both the random option with both header images I uploaded in Customizer and especially using the Featured Image as the header on those pages/posts that have a Featured Image specified.
I'd like to just change the color of the overlay but not specify the URL of the background image. I tried just removing the URL but of course that doesn't work.
Is there a workaround for this? TIA
ParticipantFixed it . . . just made the whole footer area that color.
January 12, 2018 at 4:24 pm in reply to: Make front page text background square in Wellness Pro #215347Cleo3
ParticipantThank you! Worked perfectly!
ParticipantDarn. Didn't work.
October 13, 2017 at 2:27 pm in reply to: Bundled Product page displays text oddly in Wellness Pro #212490Cleo3
ParticipantThank you so much, Victor! Knew I needed to clear but was thinking about it backwards. You fixed it and it looks good now.
ParticipantAwesome! Thank you so much - worked great!
ParticipantNope, I didn't!
I don't have the front page widgets loaded, so that's why you don't see the effect. The demo shows what I want to disable.
My site doesn't and I'd like to NOT load the widgets until I have this disabled. I think my potential customers might not think to start scrolling if nothing loads immediately - they might think the site is broken.
ParticipantI think Summer is on the right track. Generally the Portfolio items are Custom Post Types built into the theme. Assuming that's true of your theme (I haven't used it yet) then the question is whether you really need to use Custom Post Types for the reviews. Are you planning to use regular Posts for something else? Maybe you want to use the regular Posts for blog content and don't want to mix in the Reviews? If that's the case, then you'll want to use Custom Post Types for the reviews. You can find all the places the word Portfolio is used in the code and change it all to Reviews. Or, you can add more custom Post Types using code or a plugin (like WP Types) for all the types you need and just not enter in any Portfolio items (basically not use the Portfolio stuff).
On the other hand, if you can use regular Posts for your reviews and just separate your types of reviews by Category, that will be a lot easier.
Once you decide what's the best way to organize your information, then worry about getting that information to display the way you want.
I like to simplify - a lot. When I see the word "taxonomies" I just think "grouping." It's just a way to group information. Categories and Tags are taxonomies and you can have ways to group Custom Post Types too.
What I've learned after years of being an advanced beginner in WordPress is that you really don't need to worry about some guru thinking something negative - because there will be more than enough people who are at least adequately ahead of you to answer your questions if you ask them. Plus, the real gurus are super busy.
ParticipantThank you! I tried it and it works perfectly!
This problem has been driving me nuts for ages - finally took the time to search for an answer. I'm off to paste this into a bunch of sites! Thank you so much!
ParticipantI agree with Brad. If time isn't a huge problem for you right now, start them both. You'll learn that much faster and be able to use what you learn twice right away. Good luck!
ParticipantAnother option to try is Backup Buddy. It's a plugin and it backs up the entire site if you want or just the database. I've had good luck with it so far migrating sites from my demo account to the live site. It's pretty slick and in wide use. It's not free.
You can also set it to run periodic automatic backups and, if you want, send those backup files (which are really big) to your destination of choice (dropbox, email, ftp, S3, others.)
I think you have gotten a good survey of the backup options out there! Lots of different ways to do it.
February 5, 2013 at 8:19 pm in reply to: Move Post-Info from above title to above Post-Meta in Executive #18362Cleo3
ParticipantThanks! This is certainly getting me closer and I appreciate your help.
Now I have kind of a weird situation. On blog/category/listing pages I'm getting post-info twice above the post title and not at all below it.
The individual post pages have it both top and bottom.
Interestingly, your solution worked perfectly on my demo site for this site, so I'm guessing that narrows the issue down to something different between the two. I'll comb through the plugins to see if I might have an issue there? I doubt my plugins are identical on the two sites.
As I look through this functions.php file, which is mostly greek to me, I see this section and I wonder if it's part of why I can't get this to work? (Although, it's the same on both demo and live.) What does this section do? Should I remove it?
/** Relocate the post info */
remove_action( 'genesis_before_post_content', 'genesis_post_info' );
add_action( 'genesis_before_post_title', 'genesis_post_info' );/** Customize the post info function */
add_filter( 'genesis_post_info', 'post_info_filter' );
function post_info_filter($post_info) {
if (!is_page()) {
$post_info = '
<div class=\'date-info\'>' .
__('posted on', 'executive' ) .
' [post_date format="F j, Y" before="<span class=\'date\'>" after="</span>"] ' .
__('by', 'executive' ) . ' [post_author_posts_link] [post_edit]
<div class="comments">
return $post_info;
}Thanks again - to anyone with some information.
/** Relocate the post info */
remove_action( 'genesis_before_post_content', 'genesis_post_info' );
add_action( 'genesis_before_post_title', 'genesis_post_info' );/** Customize the post info function */
add_filter( 'genesis_post_info', 'post_info_filter' );
function post_info_filter($post_info) {
if (!is_page()) {
$post_info = '
<div class=\'date-info\'>' .
__('posted on', 'executive' ) .
' [post_date format="F j, Y" before="<span class=\'date\'>" after="</span>"] ' .
__('by', 'executive' ) . ' [post_author_posts_link] [post_edit]
<div class="comments">
return $post_info;
ParticipantHey, thanks for the response!
Well, that's good news. Thought I was going to have to never use the list button again. If I figure out what caused it or continue to have the problem I'll update this but in the meantime, I'll just delete those spans and not worry about this happening again!
Thanks - good news.
ParticipantJust wanted to thank you all again. You have really helped me fine-tune my thinking on this topic.
ParticipantAnd_or -- thanks for asking that. I do the same for the same reason. I disable because I really don't want easy back-end access to design elements at all. I also wondered what I was doing the wrong way . . . . If that is the wrong way, why? Or might it be that there isn't just one "right way" for all situations?
ParticipantYou probably need to set up the Widgets yet? And maybe the menus?
Have you looked at this?
The part you need is likely a little farther down.
Does that help? If that doesn't answer all your questions, please post a link to your site so we can see exactly what's going on.
ParticipantBill - wanted to add my thanks for your post. That's a huge deal for me and I was going to be confused and frustrated someday in the near future!
ParticipantThanks Marc, appreciate the input.
I agree with you about Twitter!