Forum Replies Created
MemberI'm having the same problem, and implementing that solution as I understand it didn't do anything to my site. I'm using InfinityPro. InfinityPro does not have a front-page.css that I can find, and I cannot see what drives the appearance of the front page widgets in style.css.
frontpage.php calls a style-front.css, and I don't know where to find it to edit it.
Need front page widget text to not be white, and ideally, to be different colors on each of the image sections.
I put the CSS suggested above in the "Additional CSS" section of the Customize tab.
MemberCustom CSS is currently:
.title-area { display: inline-block; font-family: "Lato", Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: center; width: 320px; } .header-image .site-title > a { -webkit-background-size: contain !important; background-size: contain !important; display: block; height: 30px; margin: 1px auto; max-width: 320px; text-indent: -9999px; } /* added from the brunch-pro developer website */ @media only screen and (max-width: 420px) { /* Resize logo header for smaller devices */ .header-image .site-title > a { height: 1px; max-width: 320px; } }
Changed theme functions.php to height = 100 px
add_theme_support( 'custom-header', array( 'width' => 640, 'height' => 100, 'header-selector' => '.site-title a', 'header-text' => false, ) );
Didn't see a difference in either.
MemberI have one in development. Will try to come back here and share if the client approves it for publication.
MemberHere are the instructions for creating a blank blog page that the posts will show up in. (Dangling participles be dangled.)
Create the page, call it what you want (blog, news, events, whatever), and then put that page on the menu where you want it. Don't mess with Settings / Reading.
MemberBumping. Unresolved.
It's not clear to me why pictures displayed as a gallery ARE being displayed correctly, but the images coded individually are being displayed as links, rather than images in the flow of the post.
This displays as expected:
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="2795,2794,2793,2792,2791,2790,2789,2788,2787,2786" orderby="rand"]
This displays as a link WITHIN THE PUBLISHED POST, not an image:
[caption id="attachment_2783" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
Hoops on the rack.[/caption]
MemberThanks for the suggestions.
I am not willing / not skilled / literate enough to touch php.
Don't know what "filter tiled gallery function" means or how I would go about doing it.
MemberFound the answer:
.tiled-gallery {padding-left:65px;} (added to Jetpack css.)Works well enough for what I'm doing.
MemberThat worked! thx.
MemberThey appeared as an option when I activated the Media Library Assistant plug in. I can see some reference to the terms in, but nothing about what they actually ARE.
They attach to media files, not posts or pages.
MemberUse the Genesis Favicon Uploader plugin. You can set where you want it to appear, or use different ones for public side and dashboard side.
MemberSorry, that's not what I'm asking. I understand tags and categories. I can't find any information on what att. tags and att. categories are, and where they are used.
MemberLate to the game here--have you looked at SwiftType? I heard an interview with the founder and really liked what he had to say about internal site search. You can tweak the results your site visitors get to send them to the best pages for the questions they're actually asking.
MemberThe old one I don't like is "Products for people who sell services."
The new one I can't get to display is "Productivity. And Pinterest."thx
MemberThank you for so completely answering my original question. I assume your answer is No, you don't know any way to do what I asked.
I blame StudioPress for not providing information in advance of the sale about what it will play well with. They don't even provide very much information about which theme is really good for what purpose, and I have seen this discussed in the forum before.
I blame Shopp for not providing information in advance of the sale about what themes it will play well with.
It's really really hard to figure compatibility out before dropping cash on the solutions that don't work. The information is available to the developers; they provide it in limited form after the fact. Mostly, it's the users who tell each other what systems work well together, and which are hopeless.
Thank you for all your help.karentiede
MemberNot sure I follow--that appears to be a link TO the Shopp shopping cart plugin. I already own that plugin and have it installed on a Genesis site. What I can't do is format the Shopp-specific pages (products, categories) from within Genesis tools.
The Shopp people tell me that the Builder Theme is better than Genesis, which it may well be, but I already own Genesis.
Will rant elsewhere about what a piss-off it is that all of these WP people blame each other for their incompatibility, WITHOUT giving the user / buyer any / enough information UP FRONT about what systems will play well with each other. Genesis is just as bad as all the others in this regard.
MemberThat solves the problem! thx. Thought I had all the Genesis plugins loaded...