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Okay, your default layout site-wide is full width, yes? You can override that on a post by post or page by page basis.
Once Genesis Simple Sidebars is activated, go to its configuration screen and create your new sidebar. Next, go to your page, let's say your About page, scroll toward the bottom where you will find the Layout Settings meta box. Choose the layout you want - left sidebar or right sidebar. This setting will apply to this page only.
Next, on the right side of the page you'll see a metabox called Sidebar Selection. Select the new sidebar you created. Now you can add whatever widgets to that sidebar in your widgets screen.
Your entire site will be running on your default selection of full width except for that one page. And the sidebar it uses should be your custom sidebar.
LenParticipantHere is a test site with your requested change.
The only thing I can think of is a browser cache or plugin cache. (if you're running one)
LenParticipantHmm, that's odd. I just tried it on a test site and it worked fine. Are you running a cache plugin perhaps?
November 10, 2014 at 10:26 pm in reply to: Post Pagination – breaking post into multiple pages- not working #131141LenParticipantHi gardenfork. I don't think you need that bit in the functions file. I think it is just a matter of syntax. Try
instead of what you have.LenParticipantHi hanuman. Creating a page template is one way but this is probably easier ... Genesis Simple Sidebars
LenParticipantHi Fonte. There doesn't seem to be any specific css for the landing page so we'll need to add it. If you open up the style.css file and go to Line 476 you'll see this ...
/* Site Containers --------------------------------------------- */
Just under that you'll see the various rules for the .site-container, .site-inner and .wrap. Look for this ...
.agency-pro-home .site-inner { padding: 0; }
and just underneath add this ...
.agency-pro-landing .site-inner, .agency-pro-landing .wrap { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 700px; }
See if that helps.
LenParticipantHmmm, the formatting in my response somehow got mangled and I don't seem to be able to further edit it. So, I'll repost my answer.
Hi joemeboe. If you open Going Green’s style.css file and go to Line 930 you’ll see this …
.site-description { color: #287241; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 2px; margin: 0; text-transform: uppercase; }
Change this line …
color: #287241;
to …
color: #fff;
As for the 2nd question I’m assuming you want to center the site description under the site title as opposed to centering it on the page? If so, you could add a rule to the above something like …
padding: 0 0 0 120px;
That will give you 0 padding on the top, left & bottom of the site description while applying 120px of padding to the left side. You’ll want to adjust the 120px to your liking.
Now, if you do that you’ll probably want to make one more change. In the responsive section of the style.css file, the site description is aligned to the center at the 1023px breakpoint. Scroll down to Line 1907 where you’ll see this …
@ media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {
Scroll down just a bit more to Line 1955 where you’ll see this …
.genesis-nav-menu, .site-description, .site-header .title-area, .site-header .search-form, .site-title { text-align: center; }
See how text-align: center is applied to .site-description? That’s fine, but remember we added some left padding earlier? We need to negate that now so everything lines up nicely.
So, just under that block add this …
.site-description { padding: 0; }
That will get rid of the padding we added earlier.
LenParticipantHi joemeboe. If you open Going Green's style.css file and go to Line 930 you'll see this ...
.site-description { color: #287241; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 2px; margin: 0; text-transform: uppercase; }
Change this line ...
color: #287241;
to ...
color: #fff;
As for the 2nd question I'm assuming you want to center the site description under the site title as opposed to centering it on the page? If so, you could add a rule to the above something like ...
padding: 0 0 0 120px;
That will give you 0 padding on the top, left & bottom of the site description while applying 120px of padding to the left side. You'll want to adjust the 120px to your liking.
Now, if you do that you'll probably want to make one more change. In the responsive section of the style.css file, the site description is aligned to the center at the 1023px breakpoint. Scroll down to Line 1907 where you'll see this ...
@media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {
Scroll down just a bit more to Line 1955 where you'll see this ...
.site-header .title-area,
.site-header .search-form,
.site-title {
text-align: center;
}`See how text-align: center is applied to .site-description? That's fine, but remember we added some left padding earlier? We need to negate that now so everything lines up nicely.
So, just under that block add this ...
`.site-description {
padding: 0;
}`That will get rid of the padding we added earlier.
LenParticipantHi Sue. You'll find all of the slider settings, including the number of slides to show, under Genesis > Slider Settings.
LenParticipantI never use the built in editor. In fact, one of the first things I do when building a new site is disable it. I always make changes offline then upload the file via FTP. I do this for several reasons:
- By downloading the file then re-upping the edited version I always have a local backup in case I make a mistake. Stuff happens.
- Speaking of boo-boos, if you make one while using the built in editor you'll crash the site and will have to fix it via FTP anyway.
- I see the built in editor as nothing but another potential attack vector and prefer to simply negate that possibility.
LenParticipantI can't speak to the SEO implications but to address the second part of your question see if this helps,
For reference you can check out LINE 195 at
LenParticipantInstead of targeting
try targeting.widget.genesis_responsive_slider
LenParticipantHi awdesign,
You can also get further info here ...
The site is maintained by the amazing Gary Jones. (a Genesis dev)
LenParticipantHi Christy.
Add to your style sheet ...
.footer-widgets a:hover { color: #fff; }
with #fff being the colour you want to use.
LenParticipantHi Meredith.
The sample theme (as do many of the other StudioPress themes) gives you the option of using a logo or dynamic text. Navigate to Genesis > Theme Settings and look at the meta box called Header. You should see a drop down menu offering you those two choices.
LenParticipantHi Cam.
That's a new one! 🙂 Okay, on single post pages the post titles use
<h1 class="entry-title">
So they are using the h1 tag with the .entry-title class. I then wandered over to your style sheet and found this ...
/* Headlines ------------------------------------------------------------ */ h1 { font-size: 1px; color: #fff; }
That's why you can't see the post titles: they are only 1px and the same colour as the background.
LenParticipantHi Draceadan.
If you want to change the width of the theme you need to change it in 3 different places:
- .site-container
- .footer-widgets .wrap
- .site-footer .wrap
Now, the width for the .site-container is currently defined in the style sheet as max-width: 1180px; Normally this is all you would need to change however if you take a peek in the functions.php file you'll see that I moved both .site-footer and .footer-widgets out of the .site-container. Thus the width of .site-container doesn't affect them because they don't reside within .site-container.
Actually both .site-footer and .footer-widgets span the full width of the page. If you apply a background colour to either one you'll see what I mean. What I've done with both of those is create a wrap for each one and centered it which gives it the illusion they are both sitting within the .site-container.
So, you need to adjust ...
.site-container { background-color: #fff; clear: both; margin: 32px auto 0; margin: 3.2rem auto 0; max-width: 1180px; overflow: hidden; padding: 40px; padding: 4rem; }
and ...
.footer-widgets .wrap { background: #3b5998 url(images/lines.png); clear: both; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 1180px; overflow: hidden; padding: 40px; padding: 4rem; }
and ...
.site-footer .wrap { background-color: #fff; margin: 0 auto 32px; margin: 0 auto 3.2rem; max-width: 1180px; overflow: hidden; padding: 40px; padding: 4rem; }
Obviously after changing those you'll need to do a bunch of fine tuning to get everything looking nice such as paddings/margins, content width vs sidebar width etc
LenParticipantHi manavvecplan,
I put some feelers out on Twitter regarding the 'home' filter. Here is a method that integrates Font Awesome with the 'home' filter.
Of course you don't have to use Font Awesome if you don't want to - you can use any icon font such as Dashicons (which is already included with WordPress) or even Genericons.
I thought Genesis filters out HTML from the 'home' filter but it doesn't - but it does use esc_html() on link text according to @GaryJ
Hope that helps.
LenParticipantHi manavvecplan,
I posted the answer to your question on my site. To repeat it here for the benefit others,
$args['sep'] = '<img src="'. get_bloginfo( 'stylesheet_directory' ) . '/images/sep.png">';
This will call the image named sep.png in your child theme's image folder and use it to output the separator rather than a character.
With respect to the home filter I may be wrong but I believe Genesis strips out all HTML from that filter.
LenParticipantHi GermanKiwi,
I don't know if this is exactly what you are looking for but it's an idea. You could use this plugin 410 for WordPress then create a 410.php template file to use in conjunction with it. This new template file could be as complex or simple as you want - even a slight variation of the Genesis standard 404.php file.