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...isn't it possible?
AlessandraMemberThanks, Brad! it helped me a lot!
AlessandraMemberIts not for style purpose.
I want to include itemprop="name" to the schema NavigationElement markup.
AlessandraMemberno one? =(
AlessandraMemberHere you are:
AlessandraMemberThanks a lot, Brad!
It worked!
I'm a self taught on all this stuff and all i can do is through trial and error...
I was not sure if the add_action( 'genesis_before', 'function_name_here' ); should be include in my case, thats why i had not used it before.
But now it seems to be working just as i wished.
And your help was vital to this.
So thanks again, man! =)
AlessandraMemberBrad, as i said before: we are talking about different footers.
The footer your code removes is this one:
<footer class="site-footer" role="contentinfo" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><div class="wrap"><p>Footer Content Goes Here Baby</p></div></footer></div>
Its the last footer of the page.
The footer i am referring to is the footer that comes right after the
<div class="entry-content" itempro="tet">...</div>
Its the footer of the post / page content, not the footer of the page.As i said, its this footer right here the one i want to remove the open and close tags only on single posts and pages.
<footer class="entry-footer">...</footer>
Your code works, but the one that controls the markup i want to get rid is this one:
//* Remove the entry footer markup (requires HTML5 theme support) remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_entry_footer_markup_open', 5 ); remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_entry_footer_markup_close', 15 );
If i use it as default, it removes the markup on single posts and pages, but also on my home page, categories and so on...
I tried to adapt the code to this:
function remove_only_single_page() { if ( is_single() || is_page( ) ) { remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_entry_footer_markup_open', 5 ); remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_entry_footer_markup_close', 15 ); }}
But it continues to output the footer markup in this case and only works with the default version... =/
What i need is a way to make it work only on posts and pages.
Maybe now you got my point.
Could you or someone else please give me some help on how to adapt this code to work as i need it to?
Thank you.
AlessandraMemberI will try your code again right now, Brad.
But the last time i used it as it is, and i can see it is setting the conditional to the home page, but checking my source code with the code inside my function.php i still had the markup on each post excerpt inside my home page and in itself.
I am using the html5 support, should it work with it or maybe your code is not compatible with it?
Maybe its me doing some foolish thing.
Unfortunately theres no link, because i'm doing it on my localhost, inside my computer.
I appreciate you help so much.
Will repport here what i get from this.
Thanks a lot!
AlessandraMemberThe footer i mean is this:
<footer class="entry-footer"></footer>
And as i said before, this is the code that is said to get rid of these markups:
//* Remove the entry footer markup (requires HTML5 theme support) remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_entry_footer_markup_open', 5 ); remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_entry_footer_markup_close', 15 );
Using the above piece of code inside my functions removes this tags as i want. But it removes site-wide.
I would like to have a way to remove them only on single posts and pages, cause i am already putting them with another hook on them.
I saved the code you provided inside my functions.php but it dont remove the markup i am referring here. It is still there with this code and i think it relates to another different thing and we are not talking about the same thing.
The action that filters the footer i meant is genesis_entry_footer_markup_open ..._close
Any other help on how to use it as i need, working only on single posts and pages?
Best regards.
AlessandraMemberHello, Brad.
Tried your code but unfortunately i got no results...
I guess it is a pre html5 code, no?
I used some variations too, but also could not managed it to work as expected.
Used the "stock" version also, and it seems to do nothing, on my home page the footer markup keep showing normally with the unchanged code you suggested.
I can get away with the footer markup with:
//* Remove the entry footer markup (requires HTML5 theme support) remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_entry_footer_markup_open', 5 ); remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_entry_footer_markup_close', 15 );
But then it removes the open and close tags globally, when i just want t remove them on single posts and pages.
Any more suggestions please?
AlessandraMemberThanks in abundance, Marcy!
You're my Queen from now on! =}
You made it work perfectly!
I S2 You!
AlessandraMemberThank you so much, Marcy!
That worked like a charm!
I just had to change the hook for posts because inside genesis_entry_footer i got the content also showing bellow the excerpts on the home page when i just want this content available bellow the post content inside itself.
I used:
add_action( 'genesis_before_comments', 'genesis_before_comments_custom' ); function genesis_before_comments_custom() { if ( is_single() ) ?> <div> [CONTENT] </div> <?php }
And tried to replicate it to also show this content on pages but with a slightly different content with this:
add_action( 'genesis_after_endwhile', 'genesis_after_endwhile_custom' ); function genesis_after_endwhile_custom() { if ( is_page() ) ?> <div> [CONTENT2] </div> <?php }
But i got this last piece of content2 also showing on posts.... =/
Am i doing something stupid?
AlessandraMembercould not get great results with those.... =/
i miss that plugin so much... sniff... sniff
AlessandraMemberHello, Brad!
I know that. The plugin should be updated only after the final release of the Framework.
Do you know how i can implement that through the new hooks based on the information i gave on my initial question?