Forum Replies Created
David Decker
MemberSame with me, every time I post replies or such: the reply gets posted but I land on a 404 page or on a different forum index or such... it differs from time to time.
Just to report. Yes, it's very annoying. However, I know you the StudioPress team is on it -- THANK YOU!
David Decker
Did you have one of the following plugins active in your install?
- Sidebar Manager Light
- Widget Manager Light
- Widgetize Pages LightThese plugins were manipulating the core (!) function "is_active_sidebar".
If that's the case with your install then this is the cause of your issues. You then should go to the plugin pages on to see their update/install instructions (important!).
January 14, 2013 at 5:16 am in reply to: Removing Header title and tagline from specific pages #11787David Decker
Member...and the Body Class you could get easily with browser inspect tools like "Firebug" for Chrome & Firefox, just look for the classes applied to the tag.
January 14, 2013 at 5:14 am in reply to: Removing Header title and tagline from specific pages #11786David Decker
MemberYou could easily do that via CSS rules, applied to your child theme's style.css file.
Genesis & WordPress apply lots of Body Classes to every page, post, category and so on. You could easily use them for specific styling!
For your example category you mentioned it would be this:
.category-humancondition #title-area { display: none; }
For a special page this would be something like that:
.page-id-IDnumber #title-area { display: none; }
--> where "IDnumber" is the actual page ID, for example "21" -- .page-id-21
David Decker
MemberJust go in WP-Admin to "Edit Pages", open the page in question and have look in your browser's URL bar. You should see something like this:
---> where this number ("71" in this case) is your page ID you need! Just do it for every page you need 🙂
David Decker
Thanks for pointing out!
I am the author of the "Genesis Widgetized Footer" plugin. I just wanted to reproduce your error(s) but was not able to do so, also not with WP_DEBUG on.Since the function in the error message regarding my plugin is a native WP function I currently couldn't do much to help you as I am maybe not knowing all specifics of your install. Since the same function is in the message with Genesis itself I assume it must be another issue.
Also if it may sound crazy to you, maybe re-uploading a fresh WordPress package could help. Do it via FTP, existing files could be overriden then. Also, deleting the plugin folders of wp-filebase and that dropbox plugin could help. After deleting try to access the Plugins backend page at
I hope this helps a tiny bit for now.
David Decker
MemberI just did a code comparison between 1.8.2 and 1.9.x and could not find any change that would have lead to your issue with the custom sidebar. To be honest, there aren't any changes at all regarding the sidebars between those versions 🙂
I assume there must be any other modification maybe that was blocking it. Anyways if it's working now, that's what matters 🙂 And from my point of view we've found Genesis/WP compliant way of doing it so it should be future-proof.
David Decker
MemberMmh, really don't know why it worked before v1.9.x --- the code we both used now should also work before v1.9. I have to do some deeper look into code changes between 1.8.x and 1.9.x before I might understand why...
For the text widget on your test site: I see it but it is definitely wrapped into THAT sidebar, so it must be an active widget in this sidebar otherwise I cannot explain it. On my test site I don't have it there.
Are you sure it isn't setup in this widget area?
So maybe this could also be some strange WP behavior where widget settings get mixed up internally... especially when changing themes or plugins (which register sidebars/widgets).
You could test with another sidebar id in the above code if it's still there.
David Decker
MemberAh, I've got it to work now and finally tested it before posting here... 🙂
Forked to this:
---> removed dynamic_sidebar... at the bottom --- changed/added stuff on top of file. For me this worked, I hope for you too 🙂
David Decker
MemberGreat 🙂
I understand what you mean! Please try to add this line of code before the first code line where it says "get_header":
remove_action( 'genesis_sidebar', 'genesis_do_sidebar' );
Does that work?
David Decker
MemberOk, I have commented out the add_action within if statement --- just uncomment for real usage of course 🙂
David Decker
MemberGo and add some code to your child theme's functions.php file, a functionality plugin or even via the "Genesis Simple Hooks" plugin.
Tools you'll probably need: Genesis Hook Reference: and Genesis Visual Hook Guide: that in mind you could do something like that:
add_action( 'genesis_meta', 'your_custom_wrapper_function_name' );
function your_custom_wrapper_function_name() {
if ( is_search() ) {
// add_action( 'genesis_before_content', 'custom_function_for_search_display' );
} // end if
} // end function
Choose the best hook for your site within the if statement.
It's untested but I use similar stuff on a lot of projects. I hope this helps you go your way 🙂
David Decker
MemberPer default you have no chance of editing --- but you always could do add a custom "404.php" file to your child theme's root folder. You could copy the file from the "/genesis/" folder and customize.
But wait, there's a better way to do that: I've made a plugin just for this where you could place in Widgets of your liking for the 404 error page. Just install this plugin: --- activate it and place in some widgets and you're done.
David Decker
MemberIn the Gist code snippet I can see no reference of a sidebar for displaying. There's currently no "get_sidebar( 'id-of-sidebar' );" function or for just a widget area, no "dynamic_sidebar( 'id-of-sidebar' );" function.
You need to add on or the other to your template to get an registered sidebar or widget area displayed.
David Decker
MemberThere's the community plugin "Gensesis Favicon Uploader" --- works for the frontend. I do not know of another lightweight plugin for frontend & backend at the moment.
But you still can manage all locations via code snippets into your child theme's functions.php file or a functionality plugin:
Copy code from here:
What this does:
The first block works for the frontend only, and only for Genesis: place a favicon image named "favicon.ico" in your child theme's "/images/" folder.The second block works for WordPress in general, for backend and WP login page: place a favicon image named "favicon_backend.ico" in your child theme's "/images/" folder.
Hope that helps 🙂
David Decker
MemberIn the end you decide which breakpoints you implement for several viewports or devices. However, it's recommended to implement the most common widths of popular devices, see the below tool for a great example of that:
There are some helpful tools out there, one is from StudioPress itself, a responsive tester:
Another one:
Also, when using the latest Firefox browser there are some web deloper tools integrated, such as an viewport testing tool, located in the menu under Extras > Web Developer Tools.
David Decker
MemberThe Translation plugin from Remkus is powered by the community, therefore not an official release. Remkus collects updated translation files for Genesis 1.9.x at the moment. So shortly there should be an update out.
Please do consider contributing missing strings for your language: see @Remkus reply above for more info or have look at this post:
David Decker
That's not true, maybe in the .pot file you has, but it's in the actual PHP files!
For 1.9.x:
#@ genesis
#: lib/structure/search.php:23
msgid "Search this website"I rely not on .pot files but rather on scanning the actual framework files with each version -- as these matter in the end what gets displayed and what not.
David Decker
MemberI don't own these plugins and therefore have no experience with them on Genesis powered sites. From the demo and description I would not recommend them for the multilingual setup because all works with Javascript on the frontend and you don't seem to have URLs for different languages. It also seems to work more automatically as it pulls translations from external services like "Google Translate" or Bing. In the end this could be useful for single sites to offer a translation alternative but for REAL multilingual sites I would only use a Multisite setup which is the currently best option overall. WPML might be a great option for small sites and less languages, mostly 2-3, but it adds overhead and seems to lock user in regarding your site experience in the long end.
Also have look at this thread here for more discussion on this topic:
David Decker
MemberSorry for the late reply!
Yes the first mentioned plugin by you works like an "more comfort for the admin/ editor & user" plugin. It doesn't add overhead that locks you in later but rather adds some additions to the admin workflow. And for the frontend it mostly adds the language switcher - similar to that from WPML.
A similar plugin compared to "Multilingual Press" is this one, "Multisite Language Switcher" which is a little more basic/simple but has a solid switch as well as some other basic settings on a per site basis:
WPML itself is a great concept and it works -- but it adds lots of overhead and needs lots of additional plugins if you're working with WooCommerce, EDD, BuddyPress and so. The internal workflow can also be complicated for editors because of the many additions on the edit screens. Also for more than 2 languages and lots of pages and/or posts it may lead out of order sometimes...
At first sight, Multisite may look like it's "too much" for that task but if you already worked with multilingual sites then it's the currently best option overall, especially when you just keep all with WordPress default stuff 🙂