Forum Replies Created
David Decker
MemberWhat does if you try directly:
'paged' => get_query_var( 'paged' )
David Decker
MemberCou can try to first remove the Genesis pagination and later hook it in again.
Try this - before the remove loop stuff:
/** Remove Genesis pagination - only use pagination on custom loop */ remove_action( 'genesis_after_endwhile', 'genesis_posts_nav' );
Then re-hook it below in your code - try the proper position before or after endif or reset query:
/** Genesis navigation */ genesis_posts_nav();
This thing is untested with your code, but I had similar issues with a page template once...
--Dave π
David Decker
MemberTry to increase the height of the image, yes.
Often times I experienced I had to regenerate the thumbnails/ image sizes after such changes. I always this plugin for that:, if any cache plugin is active, you may clear the cache -- also clear browser cache, can help sometimes.
David Decker
MemberYou best contact the official StudioPress:
David Decker
MemberHi there!
I assume it's a encoding issue. Normally WP installs are in UTF-8 encoding.
Also the browser setting could it be. Hard to say. I never had such an issue in all the years, and I am also German πIn German (DE):
Ich kann es mir nur erklΓ€ren, dass die Installation nicht auf UTF-8 Encodierung eingestellt ist - bei neuen Installationen ist das aber seit Jahren Standard. Ist denn auch die Datenbank in der richtigen Codierung angelegt worden?
Oder, der Browser hat eine falsche Einstellung bei der Encodierung/ Zeichensatz --- bei mir ist beispielsweise in Firefox auch als Zeichensatz "UTF-8" (auch als Unicode bekannt) eingestellt.
Was anderes kann ich mir hier momentan nicht vorstellen. Hast du schon getestet, ob evtl. irgendwelche Dritt-Plugins dazwischenfunken, kann ich mir zwar beim Zeichensatz auch nicht erklΓ€ren, aber es muss ja nicht immer alles logisch klingen...
Viele GrΓΌΓe
David Decker,
January 9, 2014 at 4:52 pm in reply to: Genesis Single Post Navigation Not Working on iPad/Tablet #84257David Decker
MemberHi there!
I am the developer of the plugin and working for quite some time on a total refactoring of the plugin! This is planned for Februrary this year earliest - new features, settings etc.
The plugin is set to NOT display on display width/ viewport width smaller than 1100px !!! --- This is a "feature" and currently intended as such, in the current state of the plugin! This "breaker" will become dynamic via a user setting in the next major version!
Currently there is some CSS that is not working as intended, as of v1.5 of the plugin.
This CSS fix should resolve it for now:
---> download zip file, unzip it and upload both files via FTP to: wp-content/plugins/genesis-single-post-navigation/css/I hope that helps for now.
Thank you!
Dave π
David Decker
MemberHi there!
There are some plugins that make multilingual sites with Multisite setups a bit easier.
Mutlsite Language Switcher:
--> has the basic stuff, should work really easyMultilingual Press:
---> makes switching between the content editors in admin a bit easier
---> has also a language switcher...
see screenshots:
they also have a pro version which makes some stuff even easier...I would not run both plugins together -- that should work, though -- I just would take one or the other.
Plugins for language of admin:
WP Native Dashboard
---> Pretty good, also works on a per user basis with different languages if you have a editorial teamUser Language Switch:
---> A really new plugin, basic functionality, in my first test, all did work.
---> global setting for which language is used in frondend and/or backendNOTE: These plugins for the admin especially use the WPLANG constant setting - or pretty much "clone" its behavior.
Also, you need then the proper language packs installed in your WP_LANG_DIR, which is normally located at: /wp-content/languages/For example:
You want 3 languages, German, English, French. Then German & French lang packs for WordPress itself have to be in this WP_LANG_DIR (English is default, so has no extra lang pack)This applies also for plugins and themes. So you would need Genesis lang packs for German and French. And also for all plugins where you'll need translated strings for frontend and/or backend.
I know this may sound pretty complex - it is not in the end.
Just go step by step. Setup structure, sub sites in Multisite, setup one of the lang switchers or multlingual helper plugins.In the end you can setup the backend/frontend languages with the helper plugins for your editors if needed.
Makes some sense?
Hope it helps a bit, Dave π
David Decker
MemberAdding blocks of text/widgets/etc. between single posts IN A LISTING (a.k.a. the loop) is not as easy as it seems! As of my knowledge this would require tweaking the loop.
I have read a tutorial in German some years ago where one blogger achieved that for his google ad stuff -- but was not on a Genesis theme...
I hope I understood the issue correctly, I would make it via widget blocks - when using the widgetized homepage - or as Brad said, using hooks/conditionals.
February 16, 2013 at 6:28 am in reply to: Working with a static home page with the Minimum Child Theme #20664David Decker
Member@Amber @chris01 @ecm123
I am still not 100% sure of what you want to display on your homepages --- any screenshot, mockup/image or other sites with an URL would help. Otherwise, it's too difficult or impossible to create customized "home.php" files for you or give more advice.To further explain what the home.php file does in Minimum 2.0 (and lots of other child themes for Genesis):
- it's some kind of virtual or dynamic if you want.
- it's not a page like all the other pages
- you cannot customize it on the fly, only within code or replace with another customized home.php file.To get rid of the blog posts in grid style at the bottom of the Minimum 2.0 homepage there have to be registered another widget area. In this area you then could place the Genesis Featured Page widget -- to just display any page you want for home area... Or you combine it still with some posts using the Genesis Featured Posts widget.
Note, using a static front page via WP "Reading" settings replaces all pre-configured layouts/functionality.
I suggest to use a customized home.php -- if you want this example that I explained above I can post you the code for that.
In general, I can understand your frustration! However, this is a community forum and answers are just guaranteed - we do this all in our spare time... π
David Decker
MemberBy default NONE of the official Child Themes by StudioPress does modify the comment display to "none" etc.
It must be something on your install.Just to clarify: comments are enabled in WordPress > Settings > Discussion? And also the display of comments is enabled for Posts & Pages in Genesis > Theme Settings?
Did you make any modifications in your child theme's functions.php file --- added any snippets or something?
Since your blog post DOES show the comment section I assume the page display is still disabled in Genesis or there is any other modification active?
David Decker
MemberHi there!
There are so many possibilities with them so where to begin? π
I just googled a few links:
--> seems to come close, what you want to to, I guessFrom the WordPress Codex: ---> also important for your template!I'll suggest you try learn more how WP does it and what are the template functions.
Also, the code of your template will be very helpful for me or other community members for further advise. You can post the code on or via for example.
Hope that helps for the moment.
--Dave π
David Decker
MemberHi there!
The "issue" here is - I wouldn't say it's an issue since it's regular WordPress & Genesis behavior - that plugins just hook into "the_content" action hook, WordPress provides and place in their stuff. If you use this with lots of plugins things can go out of control, i.e. the get stuffed at the end of your content section or anywhere in between...
To achieve what you want - if I understood correctly - is, to place anything for sharing etc. but after the in-page pagination links, right?
I've just tested this myself with some custom HTML code in combination with a Genesis hook, and worked like a charm for me π
Here's my code snippet:
You should place this in your child theme's functions.php --- at the bottom, and without the opening "< ? php"!
As is it does nothing, as I commented out the two examples for custom content: remove the 2 slashes to un-comment and use either line of them. The first line with "echo" is for placing HTML code, for example from external services. The second "echo" line is echoing a function, for example from a plugin. You have to change both appearances of "function_name_here" to the actual template function from the plugin. And also uncomment the 2 slashes before the "echo".
I'd suggest to NOT use "Simple Hooks" plugin here, as in Simple Hooks no priority could be set up.
With my function, you can change the priority at any time, if needed, like so:
add_action( 'genesis_post_content', 'ddw_custom_content_after_pagination', 11 );
---> lower priority
add_action( 'genesis_post_content', 'ddw_custom_content_after_pagination', 9 );
---> higher priorityBefore you use this way here, make a BACKUP of your functions.php file! Also, make sure that no other code snippets in Simple Hooks are placed in "genesis_post_content" hook. If so, please make a backup of them and remove them before continuing.
Hope that helps, Dave π
David Decker
MemberI'll post that later on on this forum π
Yes, you can change the hooks from bbPress but make sure they belong to the loop. bbPress has so many hooks just try another one that better fits your needs. Most of them are not documented yet, I always look into the very source code... π
I hope I understand your point correctly.
Just on the go, might check it later this evening again...
-Dave π
David Decker
MemberHi there!
You have to make sure to not hook this in globally but only on bbPress pages.
So I have come up with this solution:
Place the code in your functions.php or a functionality plugin. (without the opening "< ? php" please!)
This displays it at begin of single forums view, at begin of single topic view (also for lead topics!).
If you want to display on every reply then you have to uncomment the included line with the action hook.
Otherwise comment out any action_hook line that you don't want to use.Just tested this code myself and was working great π
David Decker
MemberHi there!
Is it possible to point us to the website URL?
Also, could you give us the code/content from this special template? You can post it via or and place the link then here.
David Decker
Thank you very much! π
Yeah, just try it out πAlso, for your other thread, I wrote a reply there...
-Thanks, Dave π
David Decker
MemberJust updated the plugin to version 1.1.0
- added a few more plugins & child themes for support
- added/ improved help text info, also in plugin's readmeThanks all! π
January 29, 2013 at 9:20 am in reply to: Balance Theme: display featured left & right widgets sitewide #15970David Decker
MemberI also took the code from into a "Balance" test install and placed at the bottom of functions.php and it was working immediately!
Logically all is ok with the code, so there could be something other in your install beside the syntax that is conflicting? Maybe you have other code snippets that hook in via the hook "genesis_after_content"?
Hope this helps, Dave π
David Decker
MemberTo add another response to the actual technical issue:
I just oversaw the source code of this plugin and IMHO there's a bug with the "order" setting option not being set, "order" means "ascending" or "descending" according to WordPress codex. The option setting for "orderby" seems all correct (that's the drop-down in the slider admin settings). In my opinion the issue herein lies this way that the order has to be enforced with the "order" option.
I'll just ping the developer...
David Decker
Have you posted in the plugin's support forum yet?
And, regarding your feedback to StudioPress, I'll suggest creating a support ticket!