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Ben @ Inbound CreativeMember
There's little point in spending time bothering to do that.
Google will punish content it deems to be advertising that isn't marked as such as spam, meaning your site's visibility will be harmed.
It's better to just accept that there are users out there that use AdBlock. In fact, many will simply add the elements on your website that contain advertising to a blacklist anyway, completely defeating all the effort and damage you've done to your site anyway.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberGenesis is built to conform to WordPress' best practices, so in theory if you're writing sites with code that conforms to WordPress' best standards, then it shouldn't be a huge issue. All it means is that you are missing out on the power that Genesis' unique hooks and filters bring.
The best place to learn is not necessarily from the child themes themselves, but rather the core of Genesis itself.
There's also a wealth of information out there from the likes of Gary Jones, Nathan Rice and Nick Croft (aka Nick the Geek) that deals with some of the more complex functions and benefits of Genesis.
Feel free to provide you with your email address in a private reply and I will invite you to the Genesis Slack group where you're more likely to get a solid answer to your question.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberIn theory, yes. If both functions were called on the same page, chances are the site would hang and you'd get a white screen.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberHi Eric,
Technically this is not a Genesis issue. However, the problem you have is that the plug-in is outputting a hard with value of 1020px. If you remove the padding of 200px from the following code on line 1289 of your CSS file:
.full-width-content .content { padding: 0px 200px 50px; width: 100%; }
and make it:
.full-width-content .content { padding: 0px 20px 50px; width: 100%; }
That will work. However, I imagine it will screw up the rest of the formating on your website.
The pricing table will line in the centre of the website. However, because the pricing table has a hard width – and is not responsive – it means that whenever your website is accessed on a screen or a device with a width of less than 1140px (so almost all tablets and all smartphones), then you will have the same issue with the pricing table going off to the site.
The issue is not with Genesis. The issue is at the plug-in that you are using is not responsive.
As such, you have two choices. You can either change the plug-in you are using, Or make the plug-in responsive. However – and I don't want this to come across the wrong way – I guess that your knowledge of CSS is limited and as such option two is not really an option.
If you are determined to use a plug-in for a pricing table, then I strongly suggest that you look at one that is CSS-based and responsive.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberDrop me a line with some more details and I'll provide you with a quote.
([email protected])
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberTry putting this code in the functions file.
if ( !is_home() ) { add_filter( 'genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout', '__genesis_return_content_sidebar'; //will override the theme defaults to force any pages/posts not the home page to display with content/sidebar }
February 11, 2015 at 12:05 pm in reply to: Error When Trying to Edit Custom Header Function [Metro Pro] #140491Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberWhat sort of changes are you trying to make?
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberYou're on the right track about putting it into functions.php.
Have a look at the Genesis Visual Hook Guide, that will give you the hook that you need to add the action (in this case, the plugin's code) to.
So it would be something like this:
add_action( 'genesis_before_entry', 'ic_customfunctionname' ); function ic_customfunctionname() { code goes here }
Just change the customfunctioname to whatever you want the function to be called and the genesis_before_entry to whatever the correct hook is and you should be set.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberThere is a hard limit of 90 items that can added to a WordPress menu. This is a limitation within WordPress and has nothing to do with Genesis.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberBen @ Inbound CreativeMemberSorry Gael. Can you let me know exactly which it is that you want to hide.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberBrilliant. Around line 875 in your css, you'll see a couple of classes that have names like
.home .page:nth-child(7)
.After that one is finished and before
.home-bottom .featuredpost .post
add the following:.home .page:nth-child(10) { margin-right: 0px; }
That should solve your problem
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberDon't worry. It's almost always a spelling mistake, a missing ; or a _ used instead of a - and vice-versa.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberTrue, but this is one of those cases of where you get what you pay for.
If you want a fast site and a good SEO foundation, $99 is nothing.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberIt's an issue with the plugin. Without getting too technical, the way the plugin creates pages is that the jobs board operates off a page called Jobs. That means as far as WordPress/Genesis is concerned, you're still on page Jobs that you want the breadcrumb to link to.
It's the main reason I deactivate the breadcrumbs on any site I build that uses WP Jobs Board.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberIt's difficult to say to be honest. A quick check of what the browser is doing shows nothing is being loaded in the div.
Are you using a shortcode in the WSIWIG to display it?
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberThis sounds like a problem with wpSpolier. It might be better asking the question on their support forum.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberYou could try Copyblogger's own hosting service
Also, I would argue Genesis everytime. Schema is a theme while Genesis is a framework.
If you're not sure of the difference, I would definitely take another look at this page.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberStudiopress and Copyblogger are currently focused on the Rainmaker Platform.
However, I am aware there are three themes in the pipeline. They are Rainmaker, Whitespace and Altitude Pro. As to when they'll become available on Studiopress, that's another question altogether.
If you're looking for new themes, it's well worth checking out some of the other Genesis theme developers like Web Savvy Marketing.
Alternatively, you could also check out Genesis-theme search engines like Genesis Themes.
Ben @ Inbound CreativeMemberPage builders are terrible in general. In fact, I would argue there never will be a page builder that will be good for SEO or for page loading times.
You could look at the Conductor plugin and use that to amend how a child theme looks, but even that has its problems.