Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the info. I will check these out and see how they work.
MemberThanks, Susan.
But the guy acted as if a BackDoor is a GOOD thing. This article (which is good info) shows how to fix a backdoor.
Is there a backdoor type of thing that allows a person access to their site if it's been hacked?
Also here is a quote off that article:
Just FYI: if you want to be 100% sure that there is no hack, then delete your site. And restore it to the point where you know that the hack wasn’t there. This may not be an option for everyone, so you have to live on the edge.
Since I am deleting the old site (done) that was Joomla and putting up a new WP site, I take it to mean that I won't have that person's hacking secret doors to worry about?
June 28, 2013 at 1:40 pm in reply to: How to start excerpts at Paragraph #3 instead of Word #1 #48255purplemagpie
MemberThanks Ryan, Summer and Anitac,
You folks are all so smart...
Ryan, I smacked myself on the head when you said to open the window more. We were just discussing how we thought we had that figured out once and didn't it have a box we could put things in and on and on.
Now, I realize we weren't delusional. I think that is my answer.
I will try all your suggestions, and try a few things out and decide what will work best for this site and these gals.
I'll let you know and get back to you.
Now that's interesting in that I have been working on an author's site and took the job because I knew it WOULD be hard and the person is very demanding. I've learned a lot.
But, I was trying to make WordPress more artsy instead of blocky. It was rough going for both her and me until someone here suggested a few themes that could be 'arted" up a bit, including Quattro which worked out.
Here's is the site so far, but needs more work--such as compressing photos so it loads faster.
Thanks for the response and WOW, that is a pretty site. Thanks for sharing.
I'm motivated to try something new just for the fun of it. And see what I can whip up.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check them out.
I'm curious. Which do you think are "pretty"?
I sometimes browse through the community marketplace (and gallery/sample sites) to get ideas for different ways to do things. Even if I don't do anything too "different' I think the practice keeps my brain working in different ways.
Also, it's kind of like reading a book or watching a movie. It's never the same twice because you are a different person with different experiences the next time you read it, so you see it differently each time.
As I do more technical stuff and "play" with sites more, seeing the "same old, same old" is never the same as I have a different appreciation of what's been done and can be done each time I go through samples.
It's so cool as a newbie to be able to say: Oh, I know how they did that! When last time I was clueless.
MemberThanks everyone for your thoughtful replies.
I like Genesis, too. The support forum here is the best. Especially since I'm always tweeking and seldom (never actually) use a theme right out of the box. Always there's something I want changed. I'd be lost without everyone helping me out.
Elegant Themes sure are pretty. As time goes on I suspect Genesis and Company will come up with prettier child themes.
Anyway, just wanted to get back to everyone who commented to let you know I appreciate the input.
Thanks! That fixed it.
.. .on to the next "weird thing" ....
Thanks. That was FAST!
I will work on your suggestion tonight and get back.
But, does this mean there's something wrong with the theme? Or is it something I did? And if I did, how did I do it? And, finally, if it's something wrong with the theme, how come no one else has mentioned it?
Inquiring minds want to know.
MemberThanks Brad!
That will work.
Your answers always work for me, that is why I subscribe to your blog posts. Makes life a LOT easier.
Thanks. That helps a lot. Now I have gone from "clueless and faking it" to "informed".
I'm sure it will help others new at this as well.
Thanks. She wanted high resolution because she's such a fantastic photographer. I think it slows the pages down but didn't know what other resolution to use and really couldn't tell from my research (Google is my friend!). I believe it's set for something like 96% and when I made it lower the photo program said that was going to affect quality of photo and did I really want to do that.
Can you make a recommendation on what is a good resolution to use in terms of speed, but that will still meet the rigorous quality demands of a professional photographer? With all the photo sites around you'd think there would be a "industry standard" somewhere.
I put Smush It on the site to compact photos which helped some.
There's also a problem with the Sticky at the top of the content section that right now has a green "underlay" because it's auto-formatted to have a line around it that is white against the green and very "uncool". I will need to go back into the code and see if I can figure how to eliminate that. The green underlay was a quick and easy fix, but it takes a while to load, but at least you can see it loading so you know there's something coming and the site isn't just "churning".
Thanks again KD, and I'd appreciate any input as I'm fairly new at this and am always getting myself into things that are over my head and then I have to learn to swim!
MemberHey There Seminolecrew and Robin,
I used Genesis Responsive Slider and put in just photos. It was actually easy and I did it because I didn't know you couldn't and that it was intended for posts not photos!!
What I did was just posted photos, made the category "slider" and plugged those "posts" into the slider. Piece of cake.
(soon we plan to change those still photos to video, so if you check this later and it's changed, that's what it did.)
MemberPdvor and Anita C,
Just getting back to you. Thanks for the advice. The site ended up not being too artsy, but turned out nice, none-the-less.
I used the Quattro Theme suggested in another thread and learned how to do wraps and on we went...
Here is site
Thanks again,
Just getting back to you to let you know your advice on changing the wrap worked. It took lots of samples, but we found one that worked and also the Quattro Theme worked really well.
Here is the link to the site so you can see it.
Thanks again,
Just to get back to you. Thanks again for you good info.
We got together to compare settings on our Macs, but hers was a different model so we couldn't figure out which of her settings were different from mine.
But, since her Mac was less than 6 mo. old, I suggested she call Mac and ask them. She did, they told her to change a setting and PRESTO! That fixed it. Now she can see her site using her new Mac.
Thanks again.
MemberCarrie (and others),
Here's how I've temporarily fixed it.
I went into Post #2 and Inserted the graphic on the top of Post Number 2's text, so instead of being a separate thing it's part of the one that used to be 2nd on the page.
But, I'd like to see if there's a way to make it a "top post" without being a sticky.
Thanks for the quick answer. And you were on the right track, but now I have a related situation.
It's not a widget, but it IS a sticky, which is probably why it put the band. I've used stickies a lot, but always on lighter background so I never knew they put the border.
So, now, how do I get that graphic to stay at the top if I don't sticky it or is there a way to change the sticky so it doesn't put the band.
If there's a code, please show me what is above it and below it as I tend to have trouble knowing exactly where to put the words.
Thanks again.
It's still doing this today. She sent me screen grabs of the two things she gets.
One deals with verification of the site and the other a 404 page.
I've posted them at this page
I'll be out but will reread your most recent post and have Blue Host on my list to call when I get back.
Thanks again,