Forum Replies Created
Paul Sandford
ParticipantHmmm... it should be working but a parser error is making me wonder if the quotes are getting picked up by PHP. Not sure how familiar you are with PHP but you either need to double the quotes inside the string or back slash them. My fault to assuming, so if you're just copying my code it should really be:
$args['home'] = ' <img src\"/images/some-image-of-a-home.png\"> '; $args['sep'] = ' <img src\"/images/some-other-image.png\"> ';
Hope that makes sense. Let us know how you get on with that.
Paul Sandford. Follow @pm_sandford on Twitter
Paul Sandford
ParticipantOk - post the code you tried (assuming you've tried my suggestion as opposed to the similar code copied from another site), a link to the site and the exact error.
Paul Sandford. Follow @pm_sandford on Twitter
Paul Sandford
ParticipantWell, I'll shoot an answer into the darkness of your question and suggest:
Not knowing anything about the slider I'll assume it's wrapped in a <div>?
If that div doesn't already have an id you could give it one; like<div id="mysterySlider">...</div>
You could then use CSS:#mysterySlider { margin: 0px auto; }
Not knowing anything about the theme and any existing CSS... another possibility is; if there is a centering class in the style sheet (that basically does what I've suggested above), you could instead apply that class to the div wrapping up the slider. That would go something like
<div class="centerClassOfSomeSort">the slider...</div>
Hope that helps.
Paul Sandford. Follow @pm_sandford on Twitter
Paul Sandford
ParticipantTry this and report back 🙂
$args['home'] = ' <img src"/images/some-image-of-a-home.png"> '; $args['sep'] = ' <img src"/images/some-other-image.png"> ';
Paul Sandford. Follow @pm_sandford on Twitter
Paul Sandford
ParticipantPaul Sandford
Glad you're making progress. 🙂
Re: Blog page. If you have selected static pages in Settings > Reading, then you'll have specified a front page and I presume a posts page too. The posts page is displaying your "blog". If you don't want that page to be called "blog" - create a page and name it whatever you're looking for; like journal for example. Don't fill in any content in that page - leave it with the default template. Then select "Journal" as the static posts page in Settings > Reading. Journal should show up on the menu and display the "blog" i.e. your default blog posts. It won't show a title though - you'll be getting into customisation to do that. Notice how your current "blog" page is not actually showing a title - it is just listing the blog post(s).
Not sure which elements you're referring to as tagline, heading and title when you're talking about changing the colour but I'm guessing you want: "Health and Healing Resources" a different colour to the h1 title on each page which is currently a dark red sort of colour.
Example to change just the tagline: {
color: #000;
}Finally, your SEO question. What button? I can't see any buttons on your site but if you're referring to the tagline and the titles of each page then no, I really wouldn't worry about any SEO implications regarding that.
I'd recommend you look up some basic tutorials on CSS - they'll help you get a better understanding of how all these parts on your site are being styled.
Good luck with your project 🙂
Paul Sandford. Follow @pm_sandford on Twitter
Paul Sandford
ParticipantHi... hopefully this many help save you by the bell... 😉
Have you specified a static page to display in your "Reading" settings? By default I believe this theme (Eleven40 Pro) would be using "Your latest posts". If you've specified a static page, something perhaps you've called "Home" as the front page, it's the title of that page you'd be seeing.
Can you confirm how you've configured the home page (is it as per the theme setup?)
The title itself that you're seeing is the h1 element with a class of "entry-title", all within the header section
These elements are being styled with:
.entry-title {
font-size: 36px; (whatever size you're looking for)
}If you want to make this different to every other page title that's going to require a slightly different approach. Let us know more and good luck with your new project.
Paul Sandford. Follow @pm_sandford on Twitter
Paul Sandford
ParticipantHi Quib.
Looks like a nice site. Just an idea for you but it will require a little bit of work to prep the banner image further.Expand your image into a sprite that contains the full width version with the squares featuring strawberries, spices, tarts and tea. That image currently appears to be 1068px wide. Next, further to the right of this wider image, create an alternative version of the banner image that features say just the strawberries and tea and perhaps one final version for the smallest size you're catering for - that might be just the logo and perhaps montage of the other images. You can even make the alternative versions slightly smaller heights within the sprite if necessary to fine tune the design.
Then inside the header which has the responsive width, wrap your banner inside a div where you set a width fixed. Using relative positioning and "right: " for example at appropriate break-points in your style sheet, shift the sprite image to the left so each relevant version of the banner image is shown. At certain points you can remove the fixed width so as it then goes past your mobile-phone size (about 760px you have a break-point I think) it does then start to scale down again but it will be showing a version of the image that's suited to that smaller scale.
Alternatively to using the sprite you could prepare a couple of other versions of the banner in separate images and just change the source of the URL for the background image at the break-points instead of shifting the sprite along.
To experiment put these into your style sheet on the .site-header with just what you have now and you'll see the effect:
width: 1068px;
position: relative;
right: 252px; (toggle this on and off and watch your banner shift across)You could try a min-width at certain break-points too - you'll get a feel on how you want to manage the appearance of the banner at each point.
Hope that helps.
Paul Sandford. Follow @pm_sandford on Twitter