Forum Replies Created
January 14, 2017 at 3:30 am in reply to: Digital Pro – Modifying the "Journal" (archive / category.php) #199370
MemberNever mind.... I found the answer. I think i had been staring at the website too long. 🙂
Just in case anyone is looking for the answer, our very own Brad Dalton had a posting on this:
MemberLooks cool!
Only suggestion : You are using yellow in your logo so i would assume it is part of your brand? You should use more of the yellow - just not one section at the very bottom. As it is a strong color, use it as an accent color as opposed to div backgrounds / text colors.
MemberYou may need a custom plugin for that.
The easiest way (but most time consuming) would be to click on each post inside the wordpress admin, then look at the number of revisions. If one of your editors knows that you are doing this, all they would have to do is create extra edits (using spaces, changing out a letter, etc) and the number of revisions would go up.
Best thing to do? Track your editors based on number of posts published + google analytics for page views.
MemberAssuming you are using a studiopress genesis theme this should work. You may need to change this in your media query as well:
.single-post .site-inner{ max-width: 83%; }
January 14, 2017 at 2:49 am in reply to: Genesis Theme – How Do I Show Only Excerpts of Posts on Main Page? #199366DesignJunkie270
Membertry switching out the single apostrophe brackets with double brackets. Sometimes it works, worth a shot right? 🙂
MemberWhy don't you just increase the height of the front page image? orrrr look at the backstretch.js script that comes with almost every genesis theme?
January 14, 2017 at 2:42 am in reply to: How do I hide the date on the Google search results (SERP) for all my posts? #199364DesignJunkie270
MemberJust out of curiosity, couldnt one use display:none for the date?
Google should still be able to see it, but users who visit the page won't. Then again I have noo idea if it would disappear in search engine listings.
January 14, 2017 at 2:28 am in reply to: How to reduce teh height of the header/title area – Altitude Pro #199363DesignJunkie270
MemberFind this code in your style.css and change it. I changed the height value while i was inspecting your site, so yours will be different. There may be a "light" version of this you may need to change as well. It should be close by. 🙂
.header-image .dark .site-title > a { height: 89px; }
MemberSkeumorphic design was soo 5 years ago! 😛
- Get rid of the tileable texture. Replace it with an image or maybe pure white?
- Change out your color scheme. Google "flat design colors" for trendy, up to date colors.
- Remove any gradients and just go with flat colors.There are three tips!
To ad a new font use the snippet below (in functions.php) to register a new font. Change out the link with your own link. You can add as many fonts as you need to this way.
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'FM_load_google_fonts' ); function FM_load_google_fonts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'google-font-Lato', '//,700', array(), CHILD_THEME_VERSION ); wp_enqueue_style( 'another-font', '//', array(), CHILD_THEME_VERSION ); }
To style it, use Susan's post above. The tags that will take font styling include h1 - h6, p and span. Modify the code below as needed. First code block changes any entry titles that are a H1 on the single posts, the second block changes the h2 and h3 on single posts.
.single-post h1.entry-title { font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; font-weight: 600 !important; letter-spacing: 0 !important; font-size:2.5rem; text-transform: none; } .single-post h2, .single-post h3 { font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; font-weight: 600; text-transform: none; font-size: 22px; }
Good Luck!
December 28, 2016 at 5:58 am in reply to: How to use featured post thumbnail as entry background #198318DesignJunkie270
MemberBrad, thanks for the quick response. Given the holiday timeframe i wasn't expecting such a fast answer!
Backstrech.js is pretty cool, you just opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities - and changed my perspective a bit. Here is where i'm struggling:
I'm now loading a single entry at a time. At the end of the entry i got the infinite scroll by sridhar katakam and Bill to load the next entry on click.
Where im struggling is, how do i call backstretch to change the background of the new entry (loading in via ajax)?
I found the backstrech call below on chris's backstrech on genesis article and tried to use that in every place i could stick it inside the infinite scroll functions.php function as well as the template-more.php file. Can't seem to get it to work. Any ideas? Once again, thanks for all your help!
//* Localize backstretch script add_action( 'genesis_after_entry', 'cegg_set_background_image' ); function cegg_set_background_image() { $image = array( 'src' => has_post_thumbnail() ? genesis_get_image( array( 'format' => 'url' ) ) : '' ); wp_localize_script( 'cegg-backstretch-set', 'BackStretchImg', $image ); }