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i am using a directory plugin with some of the studiopress themes, i have tried a few and they all worked well, you need to find one that you like the look and feel and is as close to what your looking for out of the box
October 31, 2017 at 2:41 am in reply to: Looking for Tutorials on Customizing Agentpress Listings Plugin #213105dbg888MemberOhh damn i thought if i made it private only you can see it haha whoopsies, i was going to suggest you talk to brad, but he already beat me to it.
October 31, 2017 at 1:16 am in reply to: How to float video left and text right ans style text if possible #213104dbg888MemberHi Victor thanks very much for this i really appreciate it
October 28, 2017 at 11:32 pm in reply to: Looking for Tutorials on Customizing Agentpress Listings Plugin #213046dbg888MemberThis reply has been marked as private.dbg888Memberit was not resolved but i will mark it as resolved as no one is going to reply
September 7, 2015 at 7:27 pm in reply to: How To I Ensure That My Custom Header Image Stretches To The Edges Of My Header? #164871dbg888MemberAlso keep in mind that an image that goes full width needs to be responsive and it most likely wont scale down to smaller devices, the header image is small to meet responsive standards
September 7, 2015 at 7:24 pm in reply to: Side by Side Featured Section – Video & Optin Form in Sample Theme #164870dbg888MemberRenee
The theme is genesis sample
September 7, 2015 at 7:08 pm in reply to: Footer Widget Area ist Crashed [Genesis Sample Theme] #164865dbg888MemberIt looks fine to me also, i looked using chrome firefox and ie (scared to say i did this)
i have same them running and everything is up to date, you have any dodgy plugins? did u mod any code?
You have some broken links? but i think the theme is fine
broken links are below, they have no target addressUnterkünfte
Reiseführerdbg888MemberHahah the only comment i have is why arent you using a genesis theme for your site bahahaha
dbg888MemberThis reply has been marked as private.dbg888MemberHey Ren
this look pretty good thanks 🙂
dbg888MemberHi Carlo
thanks for suggesting Enews but its not a popup is it, isn't it only a widget that has to go into a widgetised area?, if you look at optin monster they pop up like a lightbox
the link works for me
i think the first thing you need to scope is exactly what the site needs to do, and this is not as easy as it sounds to do properly, you really need to drill down to exact specifics on the project, once you have the needs met then think about the wants
also don't automatically assume things and everyone does it, everyone uses the net a different way so what you think is white colour may be cream to another
you need to ask lots of questions like how many images and video are going to be uploaded or embedded, do they want multiple video slider or carousel as there are many options for these ,which one? , what happens when i click this image? what should happen next
you need clarification for any action steps, so what exactly happens when i click this? because what you think is normal the site owner may not realise at all or want something totally different
and make sure everything is in writing
aslo the have alot of stuff here so as a general thing i would think a news or magazine them could work
news pro
magazine pro
metro projust think if you don't like what i pointed out that shows you the difference of how people perceive things
david 😛
dbg888Memberomg really hahah, you don't have work to do hahahahaha
dbg888Memberthanks for replying, i appreciate it
dbg888Memberhey brad thanks again for your help, i hope your getting paid for this great service, if not maybe they could employ you
dbg888Membersorry i didnt see your follow up post
i understand your colour , red from the meatloaf bat out of hell album etc, it need toning down, try keeping the side element (the faded picture of meatloaf, and reversing the main page, black text, white back ground, then in each post or section ad some colour to it but not to much try making the quattro sand heading in red from the side image to lightly brighten up each post,
rather than fidle with you live site make a local install and copy your site and play with it on your desktop, then once you have figured it out then move forward on your live site
dbg888Memberhey Brad thanks for your expert advice, i do have another question thanks - does this work for just storing members in a database? My clients doesn't necessarily want to make their site into a membership site yet.
once again thanks for you help 🙂dbg888Memberhey sparkly jacket
im not technical person but i understand business,design and marketing
i cannot answer the technical questions but design i can, the site is drowning in red, the background of meatloaf face is ok but then the theme background is also red, the font seems to be cutting through, but still the red makes it very harsh and intense in a bad way to look at, you want the feature articles,images or posts to be the standout, not the background colour, and reversing colours and font is tricky anyway not many site have the white nutrel font with a high power colour backdround
dbg888Memberhey G
im not a technical person but i am a business/marketer
your site needs more colour, not more content but more colour, so the images for each post you need nice colorful hi res images, most professional publishers have a hd media kit for each book, see if you can source them for your featured books
can you add the colours to the social icons, you just need a little more colour to brighten it up, have a look at you will see small touches of colour and hi res images, but not to much