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Just found part of the answer. Duh. It's under Screen Options at the top of the page. But still nowhere to enter custom links.
chamsterMemberThis topic was resolved here:
Thank you to those who took the time to respond.
chamsterMemberOkay I found the 3n+1 code in style.css of Agency Pro theme. I don't know how I missed it. I searched that file so many times, even doing a "find" on the number 3 and on +, etc. So I'm baffled at how I didn't find it, but hopefully my wasted hours and brddalton's responses above will prevent someone from wasting as much time in the future.
At any rate, I changed 3n+1 to 4n+1 and that's it, done. Simple as that, and as simple as I knew it had to be.
chamsterMemberI've already done that css with the 25% etc. Made things look right, as far as sizes of boxes go, but still 3 columns, which is why I'm convinced that the nth-of-type(3n+1) is the key to solving that problem.
chamsterMemberLine 1268 in which file?
I'm on a Mac, so I can't use Notepad++
chamsterMemberGood idea. Might make for faster page loading vs. having another plugin.
Not sure where one would put that conditional code though.
chamsterMemberDuh! I should have figured that one out. That's happened before when I copied a WP site from my hard drive to the web. Just changing the site url in settings doesn't catch everything.
Thanks for pointing it out!
PS for the images, I'm going for the effect from the Agency Pro demo. Not sure I'll stick with it though.
chamsterMemberThanks. That worked to put the sidebar on the home page.
It was below the home top widget area, so I replaced
//* Add homepage home-top
add_action( 'genesis_after_header', 'agency_homepage_top' );with
//* Add homepage home-top
add_action( 'genesis_before_loop', 'agency_homepage_top' );on line 46. That put the sidebar up at the top-right, where I wanted it.
In order to show different sidebar content on homepage vs. interior, I used the Display Widgets plugin.
Thanks for the help!
chamsterMemberDoes anybody know where/how the .post:nth-of-type(3n+1) class gets put in for the 1st and 4th posts in the featured posts widget? I'm stumped! Thanks.!
chamsterMemberThanks for the idea. Makes sense, and I think those changes did need to be made, but making them still didn't achieve the objective. I've uploaded the new stylesheet to the url above. I just tried to go for 4 columns, so I set the max-width to 600px and the post width to 25%. But still 3 columns.
When I view the page source code in Firefox, the article tags don't show any .post:nth-of-type classes. But when I inspect the page in Firebug the 1st and 4th articles both have the .post:nth-of-type(3n+1) class applied to them. All the articles have a float:left style, but only the 1st and 4th articles have the .post:nth-of-type(3n+1) class, which gives those 2 articles a clear:left. This causes the 4th article to be displayed on a new "row", as opposed to being displayed to the right of the preceding article.
At least that's how it appears to be working. So my question remains: where is that .post:nth-of-type(3n+1) coming from?
chamsterMemberI'm not sure which setting you're referring to but "number of posts to show" is set to 9. I don't see another setting that seems relevant. If I change it to 5, it still shows 3 columns.
chamsterMemberWell I've hunted it down and found the following css:
.home-bottom .featuredpost .post:nth-of-type(3n+1),
.home-middle .featuredpost .post:nth-of-type(3n+1) {
clear: left;
}I'm just learning about this, but looks like this takes the first article and clears the left float, leaves the left float in place for 2nd and 3rd, then clears the left float for the 4th, thus effectively starting a new row of articles.
Now I understand how css does this. Theoretically I could edit the code to make it (5n+1) and that would give me 5 columns before starting a new row. Problem is, I can't find the code that designates first and fourth articles get the (3n+1) css applied to them.
chamsterMemberIt's very rough and preliminary but here it is:
The featured post widget I'm working on is on the home page only.
Thus far I've only been developing it on my hard drive. Just uploaded it to the url above for demo purposes.
chamsterMemberI've gotten it to display the featured posts and images in the proper size for my layout (via css). But still haven't found where in the code it says to make 3 columns per row. I want 5 columns. When I view page source I see <section id="featured-post-3" class="widget featured-content featuredpost">. But I can't find any css that says #featured-post-3 and I don't know if that has anything to do with the 3 columns anyway. Any ideas? Thanks!
chamsterMemberSounds good for creating the proper image sizes. But will that change the rows/columns to what I'm looking for? I noticed before that when I chose 150x150 images for the widget, the boxes were still 380x380, and there were still two rows and three columns.