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Thanks Victor.
In this (News Pro) theme, the regular stylesheet is not called directly by functions.php
Rather, functions.php invokes lib/init.php from the parent Genesis folder
containing the line
//* Load CSS
require_once( GENESIS_CSS_DIR . '/load-styles.php' );For obvious reasons I'm reluctant to make any changes to the parent Genesis theme and only want to customise the child theme...
I'll try adding the enqueue coding suggested above the functions.php file and see if it has an effect...
achukaMemberThank you!
That works nicely - I don't fully comprehend why yet, but am happy to end the day with it working 🙂Much appreciate your input.
achukaMemberI have tried specifying minimum height, but it's not a responsive solution...
achukaMemberhave continued experimenting with different height attributes - all to no avail
think the solution/explanation is going to be connected with image positioning
but this is a VERY straightforward thing I'm aiming for here, which would have been a piece of cake in html/table/rows&columns terms - not sure why it should be perplexing me in css
achukaMemberYes, that's because, in the absence of a very quick response, I've continued experimenting and wanted to see if changing from <section> to <div> made any difference...
The circular Resource links (placeholders at the moment) are supposed to be in a block of red background colour, but as you will see the colour does not extend very far, and that is what I am puzzling to account for / correct
May 27, 2015 at 12:44 pm in reply to: How do I make a page section browser-wide? – Parallax Pro #153853achukaMemberI am endeavouring to do the same thing!
achukaMemberNice work
February 4, 2014 at 4:36 am in reply to: Is It WordPress or StudioPress That Hates Photographers? #88487achukaMemberWell it WAS that simple...
yes, I regenerated the thumbnails but don't appear to have needed to make an alteration to home.php for it to work (presumably as it's a modified rather than a new image size)May not be quite what William wants, but absolutely solves my issue, and, as so often happens, came down to a single word of code!
February 4, 2014 at 4:23 am in reply to: Is It WordPress or StudioPress That Hates Photographers? #88483achukaMember@chillybin
have made the change
so that I now have (in NewsPro childtheme)
add_image_size( 'home-middle', 348, 180, FALSE );
hoping it's that simple 🙂
thanks in advance if soFebruary 4, 2014 at 3:50 am in reply to: Is It WordPress or StudioPress That Hates Photographers? #88479achukaMemberSummer, thanks for input but:
If you look at the Thumbnail settings there, there’s a checkbox on whether or not to crop proportionally or exactly… what is that set to? If you have “Crop to exact dimensions” checked, you may get a thumbnail that’s the right size for the space you want, but it’s arbitrary in what part of the image it crops to.
No i don't have that checked, so that's not the issue...
Second, if you use the Featured Image box in the post editor, is the image you’re uploading there the exact dimensions you set for the featured image (or can easily scale down to those dimensions)? If not, you’re also going to get an image that doesn’t fit or look the way you want it to.
It shouldn't be necessary to do some pre-scaling of an image - the proportional resizing should just work on the longest dimension, just as you would scale an image down in Photoshop or any other editing software where you want to retain the WHOLE of the image, and the OVERALL proportions
Featured image scaling used to work exactly like this in my previous theme (Pinboard) and I still haven't come across an adequate explanation of why it's working so haphazardly now...
As far as I understand it, this is exactly the same thing that William is having problems with.
February 3, 2014 at 3:43 am in reply to: Is It WordPress or StudioPress That Hates Photographers? #88302achukaMemberI am having the same problem with the cropping of featured images on my blog's front page (using the NewsPro theme) and like William finding it a highly frustrating affair trying to resolve the situation.
Why is it that sometimes the images are resized proportionally so that the whole image is seen in the featured image thumbnail, and on other occasions the image is cropped, arbitrarily?
And I think the following, helpful though it might be on its own terms, just reinforces William's point: "It seems like there should be an easier way to correct the problem rather than expecting users to modify the code."
The reason the post images show up as if they were featured image thumbnails is because of the Genesis fallback image behavior, where Genesis will take the first post image and by default use it as the featured image if one isn’t previously set.
This is counter to standard WordPress behavior, and was a long-known issue with Genesis until v2.0 came out. However, this behavior can now be controlled with a filter. There are several threads here on the forums about this, resulting in me writing a plugin to turn this behavior off, and Brad Dalton writing a tutorial so people can turn this off in functions.php
Try this snippet here:
If it doesn’t work for you, remove the “if” conditional, and just use the fallback override.
achukaMemberRegenerated them several times! To no avail...
The thumbnail generation appears to be - in some cases, not all cases - is cropping rather than proportionally resizing the images
achukaMemberIf I install that plugin now will it work retrospectively on old posts or only on new ones?