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MemberHow? I have this same issue! can you please tell me how to fix it? I would very much appreciate it!
MemberHere I don´t know why it is not showing on the previous comment.
This is what I what to achieve:
Since my las comments I have made attempts on achieving this by means of a widget area with the arbitrary text widget, so far I have this bit of code:
My idea is to place it on a widget area on the Modern Portfolio Child Theme, on the about portion of the site
here is my first attempt
When I see it on it looks ok but after I place the text widget on the site it shows all wrong, see link above, i imagine the reason is because of the absolute positioning.
Here is the link for the code (i don´t know)
Here is the gist, dunno how to use it!
The main issue I have is that the images overlay with each other and that is why I´m using the absolute styling, that is how I make them overlay.
Again thanks a lot in advance!
MemberSorry I took to long to answer, thanks for the tip I´ll try to take into account for future mods.
I could not get the second widget to even show I don´t know what I did wrong but it just does not show on the front side of the site, it shows on the back end perfectly but any widgets I add just don´t show. Anyway Exploring the links on your previos posts I found a plugin called "Layout Extras" or something of the like and that worked wonders, so in the end the solution that worked for me was somewhat of a hybrid i´m still using the first bit of code you gave me to add a widget and with the home sidebar activated via widget it ended looking 90% of what i had in mind and it works 100% for what I needed it for.
Thanks a lot, your help was very much welcomed!
Hope you have a great day!
check it out if you like!
MemberOk, I did somewhat what you told me, I did not move the slider but just created a new widget area on the "genesis_before_loop" since the responsive slider is a widget I just added it to the widget and it shows exactly how I what it to show. On to the second issue, I registered a widget area on the "genesis_before_sidebar_widget_area" with this code:
genesis_register_sidebar( array(
'id' => 'genesis_before_sidebar_widget_area',
'name' => __( 'SideBar', 'eleven40' ),
'description' => __( 'This is the after header widget area.', 'eleven40' ),
) );add_action( 'genesis_before_sidebar_widget_area', 'wpsites_after_header_widgett', 8 );
function wpsites_after_header_widgett() {
if ( is_home() && is_active_sidebar( 'genesis_before_sidebar_widget_area' ) ) {
echo '<div class="home-slider">';
dynamic_sidebar( 'genesis_before_sidebar_widget_area' );
echo '</div><!-- end .genesis_before_sidebar_widget_area -->';
Just a mod of the code you gave me.
and the sidebar shows on the admin side but whenever I add something to it, it does not show on the site.
What´em I missing?
MemberFirst let me thank you for your help! I consider I have made some progress with the information you gave me.
Second I got a bit stuck, with your code i managed to add a widget area on the "genesis_before_content_sidebar_wrap" hook and it works fine, perfect actually, however I need it to be next to the slider, if you look carefully the slider is smaller, was 960px now is 650, I need the widget to be in the blank space now visible next to the slider, how do I do that?
Any further help will be greatly appreciated!
MemberHello, here is the link
Rigth now is pretty much just the default agency install but with some changes on the aesthetics but only background and some PNG from the original theme, that´s all.