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Hi Terri,
Excellent news, is there a way I can contact the Sensei fixer or do you know what was done to facilitate your solution?
ArachneMemberHi Terri,
Have you tried my earlier stated solution, the code to be placed in your theme functions file. I too found Sensei support very misleading and not functional for compatibilty with genesis. The above code has worked for me, then with css styling of divs content-sidebar-wrap and content you can affect the width of the individual pages. <a href="" target="_blank">Here</a> is my solution thus far. my next issue is getting rid of the sidebar on the single pages. The default template of the theme is used and I cannot find a way to replace it for the single pages.
ArachneMemberHi Chris,
It solves the wrapper but still uses the default theme template to display individual lessons and quizzes. can you help with a way to call #content#sidebar for the single lesson and quiz?
Regards, Tony
ArachneMemberHi Chris,
I think I may have solved the problem. Sensei adds its own wrappers around the content automatically during installation. Code replacing the Sensei wrappers with the standard Genesis wrappers added to my child functions file seems to have corrected the issue.
Thanks again for showing an interest - Regards, Tony
/**** Theme Compatibility for Integrating Sensei with Genesis Framework/Child Theme *********/
remove_action( 'sensei_before_main_content', 'sensei_output_content_wrapper', 10 );
remove_action( 'sensei_after_main_content', 'sensei_output_content_wrapper_end', 10 );add_action( 'sensei_before_main_content', 'edu_theme_wrapper_start', 10 );
add_action( 'sensei_after_main_content', 'edu_theme_wrapper_end', 10 );function edu_theme_wrapper_start() {
do_action( 'genesis_before_content_sidebar_wrap' );
echo '<div id="content-sidebar-wrap"><div id="content">';
}function edu_theme_wrapper_end() {
echo '</div></div>';
}ArachneMemberHi Chris,
Thanks for your interest, I am still trying to solve this. Possibly what you have viewed is sensei loaded onto a wootheme to get the formatting to work. I would rather not go this way, rather loaded on a genesis template.
Here is a link to <a href="" title="Courses" > where I can control the template choice. When you activate a course the problem becomes apparent, eg <a href="" title="Visual Arts Theory 12" >The #sidebar1 is now situated below the course post and the content body is narrow fitting into the default template of #content#sidebar1#sidebar2. At this stage I cannot specify the template to use.
When you go to the individual lesson <a href="" title="1. Search for an African Identity in South African Art" > the same layout applies (#sidebar1 displays below post). If you scroll down the lesson and take the lesson quiz at the bottom of post, <a href="" title="Search for an African Identity in South African Art Quiz" > the same applies.
I have followed the instructions supplied for <a href="" title="Sensei Theming" > as far as copying up the wrapper-start.php & wrapper-end.php to my education theme root in a sensei folder.
Please let me know if this makes sense to you and thanks again for taking a look at this for me.