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MemberHi @defree99,
What is the kind of load in terms of Network I/O you are expecting on your server ? Are you okay with using Amazon RDS?.
The major factor to consider while using AWS and Google Cloud is the cost. Google Clouds is slightly less costly than the same configuration of AWS instance.
AWS comes with a free tier which give you around 1 gb ram and 8 gb space, with other free service like RDS, Elastic ip etc( One major issue that you will come across while choosing free instance is that when you are planing to run your db server in the same instance then 1 gb ram wont be sufficient.
During peak hour MySQl server could crash if it does not get enough memory. One way to solve this is go with RDS or Create SWAP(not much effective).
One benefit of AWS is it has more number of data center than Google Cloud. So if you are running a site which is specific to a particular region, you could literally choose a datacenter close to that region which decreases the response time of your site.
On thing i like about AWS is it's additional security layer which can be configured to allow/disallow ports/ip's. You can find a similar functionality in Google Cloud also.On the other hand Google Cloud provide you with some initial credit that is sufficient to run your site for 2 months for free. You will be charged after that.
Upgrading(ram or space) is a bit more easier in GCloud compared to AWS.
If you don't want to take benefit of AWS free tire instance and also your site is not regional then i would recommend you to go with Google Cloud.
If you are going with AWS, please do not use M3. We had faced stolen cpu( issue with our clients using M3 instance. We then upgraded it to M4.
I personally feel AWS provides better customer support than Google Cloud.Dashboard is a bit complicated in GCloud than in AWS. Rest you could find the similar feature in Google Cloud as in AWS.
Calculate your cost and make the decision for your self:
Google Cloud:
MemberHi @defree99,
What is the kind of load in terms of Network I/O you are expecting on your server ? Are you okay with using Amazon RDS?.
The major factor to consider while using AWS and Google Cloud is the cost. Google Clouds is slightly less costly than the same configuration of AWS instance.
AWS comes with a free tier which give you around 1 gb ram and 8 gb space, with other free service like RDS, Elastic ip etc( One major issue that you will come across while choosing free instance is that when you are planing to run your db server in the same instance then 1 gb ram wont be sufficient.
During peak hour MySQl server could crash if it does not get enough memory. One way to solve this is go with RDS or Create SWAP(not much effective).
One benefit of AWS is it has more number of data center than Google Cloud. So if you are running a site which is specific to a particular region, you could literally choose a datacenter close to that region which decreases the response time of your site.
On thing i like about AWS is it's additional security layer which can be configured to allow/disallow ports/ip's. You can find a similar functionality in Google Cloud also.On the other hand Google Cloud provide you with some initial credit that is sufficient to run your site for 2 months for free. You will be charged after that.
Upgrading(ram or space) is a bit more easier in GCloud compared to AWS.
If you don't want to take benefit of AWS free tire instance and also your site is not regional then i would recommend you to go with Google Cloud.
If you are going with AWS, please do not use M3. We had faced stolen cpu( issue with our clients using M3 instance. We then upgraded it to M4.
I personally feel AWS provides better customer support than Google Cloud.Dashboard is a bit complicated in GCloud than in AWS. Rest you could find the similar feature in Google Cloud as in AWS.
Calculate your cost and make the decision for your self:
Google Cloud:
You can change color of an image by using CSS3 filter property.
Example of filter property:-
img {
-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);
filter: grayscale(100%);
}There is no option to specify exact color, and filter property has browser compatibility issue. Filter property is not supported in Internet Explorer 11 and all versions of Opera Mini browser and has partial support in Microsoft Edge.
You can check all browsers compatibility here.
But there is one way to achieve this task. You can simply make logo image with any color you want and on hover replace logo image.
Sagar Chaudhari from Wisdmlabs
June 27, 2017 at 1:32 am in reply to: Modern Studio Pro Primary Nav hover issue – Chrome only #208335WisdmLabs
MemberWhen i inspect your nav menu style from the browser(chrome), i am seeing that default genesis style is being added for your menu link on hover. I hope that is the issue you are facing on your site. If it is, then do the following:
On hover, the color of menu links are changing from #003300 to #721c3e.
just the following styles in your theme's style.css and see if that fixes it.
ul.genesis-nav-menu li a:hover,ul.genesis-nav-menu li a:focus,ul.genesis-nav-menu li a:visited,ul.genesis-nav-menu li a:active{ color:#003300; }
-Vishnuprasad from Wisdmlabs
MemberHello newbie007,
While inspecting your site from the browser, I can see the following code in index.php on line 61
<style type="text/css">.site-title a { background: url( no-repeat !important; }</style>
We have to look into your site-settings/code to find where this style is being added from.
As of now, I can tell you the solution for your problem in as simple way possible. You have to do the following:
- remove the '!important' text added to your css property mentioned above.(go through your theme's files/css settings in dashboard and see if you can find the style anywhere.)
- Add the Styles given below in your theme's style.scss file (line no: 1077)
.header-image .site-title > a { float: left; min-height: 140px; width: 100%; /* add this to fix your header image problem */ background-position: center; }
Hope this fixes your issue. Try it and let me know if that works
-Vishnuprasad from wisdmlabs
MemberHello Dunphy,
I think you want to add the background texture for your header and footer of the site. You can use the following CSS in style.css file, in order to achieve it.,{ background-image: url(images/your-header-footer-background.png); background-position:center; }
please try this and let me know if this works.
-Vishnuprasad from wisdmlabs
Wordpress having its one of the best file upload plugin "WordPress File Upload".You can Download the plugin from below link & you can also find all details & installation instruction related to that plugin in the below link:
MemberI think you are good to go with above tutorial.
Follow these steps:
Declare an empty string called $navbar_content and add the filter hooks.
$navbar_content = '';
Use your previously defined $items_wrap variable to append $navbar_content.
$items_wrap .= apply_filters( 'my_navbar_brand_content', $navbar_content ) . '</div> <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbar-collapse-1">';
Now hook into them and add your logo.
add_filter('my_navbar_brand_content', 'my_navbar_brand'); function my_navbar_brand($navbar_content) { $image = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/images/logo.png'; $url = get_home_url(); $brand = get_bloginfo('name'); $navbar_content .= '<a class="navbar-brand" href="' . $url . '">'; $navbar_content .= ' <img alt="' . $brand . '" src = "' . $image .'"> </a>'; return $navbar_content; }
Swapnil Patil,
MemberYou can go ahead with adding as many break points as you may require in the theme. It works just like a normal style sheet would.
June 19, 2017 at 3:24 am in reply to: What to do when the Featured Images for my Featured Posts vary in size? #207913WisdmLabs
Have you used Image size option in Genesis-featured posts widget?
you can find many featured image sizes here as shown in this attached screenshot below..Default Genesis featured image sizes
So, you can choose same sizes in your four widgets or if you want to use your custom size for featured images then you have to add an add_image_size() function into your function.php.Below is the code snippet how to use add_image_size() function:
<?php add_image_size( string $name, int $width, int $height,false );?>
The following parameters which is to be used:
$name :Image size identifier
$width : Image width in pixels.
$height: Image height in pixels.if you set false(default),images will be scaled, not cropped.
if you set true,images will be cropped to the specified dimensions using center positions.
I have set my custom size for featured images by writing below code in my function.php.add_image_size('custom-featured',400,300,false);
After adding above code the new image size will be reflect in your Genesis-Featured posts widget as you can see in below attached screenshot link.
Images sizes after adding add_image_size function
You just need to choose your new custom size for all featured images in your four widgets.
If you having more issues feel free to ask us.ASHISH SHARMA
June 19, 2017 at 12:21 am in reply to: Eleven40Pro – Making Secondary Sidebar Smaller & Content Area Bigger #207912WisdmLabs
MemberHello Nero,
The outer container '.wrap' takes max-width of "1140px" on medium and large devices and for devices with width below "1140px", the width given is "960px". so we will have to manage the width of side bar and content section accordingly for both cases.
case1: for big devices above 1140px, modify the following css
/* style.css - line no 499 */ .content-sidebar-sidebar .content-sidebar-wrap, .sidebar-content-sidebar .content-sidebar-wrap, .sidebar-sidebar-content .content-sidebar-wrap{ width:1020px; } /* style.css - line no 524 */ .sidebar-content-sidebar .content, .sidebar-sidebar-content .content, .content-sidebar-sidebar .content { width: 720px; }
case2: for small laptops width range 768px to 1140px, modify the following css
@media only screen and (max-width: 1140px){ /* style.css - line no 1617 */ .content-sidebar-sidebar .content-sidebar-wrap, .sidebar-content-sidebar .content-sidebar-wrap, .sidebar-sidebar-content .content-sidebar-wrap { width: 840px; } /* style.css - line no 1628 */ .content-sidebar-sidebar .content, .sidebar-content-sidebar .content, .sidebar- sidebar-content .content { width: 540px; } }
check if this works for you and let me know.
- Vishnuprasad from Wisdmlabs
June 16, 2017 at 8:26 am in reply to: How can I add a second footer ABOVE the current 3 column footer I have? #207827WisdmLabs
MemberTo add a second footer above the current footer you need to use the hook 'genesis_before_footer'.
Genesis provides many hooks so for adding second footer above the current footer you have to use following code snippet :<?php add_action('genesis_before_footer','do_your_function'); function do_your_function(){ //declare the second footer widget area here } ?>
In above function you just need to add the content into your widget area.
I think a widget is getting applied there. you can check the same following Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets, in that, you can check in Footer 1, Footer 2, Footer 3 if any widget is added, remove it.
July 6, 2015 at 2:51 am in reply to: Altitude Pro Theme Front Page BG Image Gradient Removal #158477WisdmLabs
MemberHi gpriver,
You can make changes to linear gradient on line no.1216 in your style.css file
.image-section class has some gradient properties you can modify them however you want.
MemberHi grt007,
Create a new menu with a link which you wanted to include in the secondary menu, don't forget to check Secondary Navigation Menu checkbox.
After doing this add the following code in functions.php
remove_action( 'genesis_after_header', 'genesis_do_subnav' );
add_action( 'genesis_before_header', 'genesis_do_subnav' );This will move your secondary navigation to top of the header.
MemberHi MaryM,
There's an addition parameter in the image "?resize=720%2C400" Remove this parameter will solve your problem, I don't know why its taking re-size parameter you might have written something for re-size in your code.
Decrease the padding of the tabs on line no. 41padding: 10px 10px 8px;
padding: 1rem 1rem 0.8rem; /* remove this line */
MemberHi Jessicaesquire,
Add background color for header section
div#header {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32);
MemberHi MaryM,
The size of the image is too small, Try adding a bigger image (740x400).
or even you can fix this using CSS add width:100%; to the img tag on line 984 in your style.css file..home-top .widget.ui-tabs img {
Move your genesis header above you main wrap. which is currently inside the main warp
you need to add the below given code in your function.phpremove_action( 'genesis_header', 'genesis_header_markup_open', 5 );
remove_action( 'genesis_header', 'genesis_do_header' );
remove_action( 'genesis_header', 'genesis_header_markup_close', 15 ) ;add_action( 'genesis_before', 'genesis_header_markup_open', 5 );
add_action( 'genesis_before', 'genesis_do_header' );
add_action( 'genesis_before', 'genesis_header_markup_close', 15 );also, make some changes in style.css file
The position of the .site-header is absolute make it {
position: relative;
}hope this will solve your problem.
Make some CSS changes in your child-theme
nav.nav-secondary {
.genesis-nav-menu a {
border-left: 1px solid #e3e3e3;
}This will move the topmost menu to right