Forum Replies Created
MemberI thought so. In this case I can't see them being called the same time as they are in templates but better safe than sorry. I will use different function names.
Thanks for your reply.
MemberYou have this code in your Genesis Extender
.content {
float: right;
width: 820px;
}The thing about Genesis Extender is that the style sheet comes in after your theme's stylesheet. What this means is that the media queries comes before your Genesis extender css.
One way to get around this is to copy all css in your media queries to the bottom of your Genesis extender.
Hope that makes sense.
MemberSolution can be found here.
MemberYes you are probably right. Thanks for checking as well!
MemberI just tried and yes that is correct. Can't believe I missed that.
Thank you for the help.
Sridhar, you are a great help to the Genesis community.
MemberThanks for the update Susan... I will go back to using PX.
MemberI just checked "Ambiance Pro" only uses PX so I guess Susan is right (not that I don't believe you) but would be nice to hear from StudioPress wether this was the designer chose or if it was a StudioPress choice.
MemberPlugin author came back with solution. So if anyone has a similar problem then here is the correct code. author did actually have a trouble shooting guide regarding my problem which I only found after. Doh.
Link to that: nonetheless thanks for helping out Brad.
MemberThis thread is not my friend today. I think I lost my reply.
I cannot embed my code so have to link to it. Sorry about that.
That staff page looks nice.
I have used similar code like you to display a single field.
However when I use the loop field found here:
Then I cannot get it to work. Nothing shows up.It is a shame because I want to setup a loop-group if I can call it like that that contain custom fields like name, title, job description and so on. When the client then hires a new staff he just clicks "add staff" on the staff page and a new loop-group comes up and he fills out the fields. All fields are then pre-styled in the function.php making it super easy to maintain the staff page.
MemberThey were a link to github showing the code I used to display a single custom field. So that is ok.
The other link was to site explaining the loop field.
I inserted them using the link button in the wysiwyg.
Thanks for looking into this Brad.
MemberWhy does my post no show up. Fourth time I write this. Now I will write in text edit on mac and then save it.
That is a nice staff page. Well done.
I have used similar code like you to display one custom field.. You can see that here.
But I really want the loop to work. This is not loop like we know from genesis loop. But a function in the plugin CFS. I create a loop-group that contains several custom fields like name, title and job description. I then style and echo them out in function.php. When client then wants to add a staff on the staff page he just click new and a new loop group appears with the custom fields. He fills name, title and job description out and click publish on the staff page. The details will then appear styled. No need to work with html markup.
Link to the plugin with the loop details can be found in link belowTreefungus
MemberSorry I still can't embed the code but I can link to it. Hope that is ok.
That staff page is nice. Well done.
I have used similar code to the one u have provided. See code here:
However I really want this loop-field to work. Not genesis loop as we know but a loop because its called loop by the plugin author. You can see the loop code here:
How it works is really smart. I want to create a loop-group if can I call it that. That contains custom fields like name, title, job description and so on. Then pre style them in function.php when I echo the custom fields out. Creating the loop-group is easy but I cannot display them. Thats my problem I have. But this loop-group is really smart because the website owner then just click new staff and a new loop-group appears on the staff page. He then fills out the name, title and so on. Click publish and the new staff is added to the page and already styled. No need to work with html.
MemberI couldn't get the code to embed so just linked to the file. I hope that was okay. I accidentally added too much code but it won't ruin anything.
Looks good your staff page.
Yes thanks for the code example above. I can display my single custom field using this
but when using the loop field from this
then I cannot show anything. The loop is great as I can set up the loop-group with Name, Title, image, job description and so on. Where I have added div classes to these in the function.php. When client then hire another staff he just clicks "add new staff" on the staff page and a new loop group appears where he can fill out the staff name, title and so on. Makes sense?
MemberHi Brad
Sorry for not using Github Gists. Here is the code
I actually want to do several things with custom fields. One being a staff page. It is too difficult for the client to work in the text-editor with div class after div class which is needed to make the staff page look nice. So by using custom fields I can "pre style" everything and the client just need to add the info into the custom fields.
If you want I can provide login details for the test-site if that makes it easier for you.
MemberI am using this to add a body class. Can this be used as a conditional tag?
function wpml_lang_body_class($classes) {
if(defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE')) {
$classes[] = "" . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE;
}return $classes;
MemberThank you for your reply.
That did it...
Thank you so much.
MemberFound it
Had to use this: remove_action(‘genesis_entry_header’, ‘genesis_post_info’,12);
Notice the priority "12"
Thanks anyway for taking the time to reply.
MemberThanks for reply.
Still there after resaving permalinks.
I have successfully removed post title but my post-info does not want to move. Almost seems like the genesis_entry_header is wrong.
If I do not use the new HTML5 then I can remove it by using ‘genesis_before_post_content’