Forum Replies Created
Oooh... great links. Thanks! I will definitely check those out.
IoPTMember@Susan, it was a good idea but didn't pan out. The redirect URI always ended up on the post page, not the current page where the excerpt was printed.
@cdils, I got it to work with a filter registered in the functions.php file as follows:
function IoPT_excerpt_read_more_link($output) {
global $post;
if (empty($post->post_content)) {
return $output;
}else {
return $output . '<a href="'. get_permalink($post->ID) . '">Read More...</a>';
add_filter('the_excerpt', 'IoPT_excerpt_read_more_link');
I disabled linking the image and title insertion. Then for any post that I want to feature in the slider, I am required to make an excerpt and to manually include the title wrapped in <h2> tags. If I don't want to link to the page, I simply leave the page content empty and write only the excerpt. If I put any content at all in the page, the more link is generated. Even better, my preference was to link to the top of the page rather than to the more anchor and this accomplished that goal. Another added bonus is that I can now also include an image at the top of the post since the content is never used in the slider. Sweet!
Thanks, everyone for all the help! And I do mean everyone. Even though the one idea didn't work out, I know a lot more about all this tonight than I did this morning.
IoPTMemberOooh... Cool! Elegant! Wish I'd thought of that. I'll try it out after dinner. The wife is complaining about being a "WordPress Widow" these last couple of days.
IoPTMemberI was actually looking for excerpts on posts, not pages. However, the advice about Screen Options got me where I needed to be. I checked that and am now able to enter excerpt text.
Thanks so much!
IoPTMemberHi Dan,
To answer #3, the Agency theme constructs the home page dynamically. When I first set it up I created a static page and tried the different templates and never got it to work. Then I used the contact help form and received instructions:
Go to Settings -> Reading and pick "your latest posts".
Also make sure the blog page setting has no page selected.
Then I had to go back to my menu and remove the page name so that "Home" pointed to the bare domain name (as yours does now). Then it was a matter of installing the Responsive Slider plug-in and going to the Widget page and filing in the different sections of the page. Featured Page widgets in Home L-M-R, welcome text in Home Welcome, etc.
I'm still working on getting mine to look and function properly. I'm having some issues (which I'll post in a separate thread) so this is by no means close to live: -