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MemberStrange issues are cropping up now. The client changed their mind and wants the sticky header, so I reversed out all the code from the tutorial above (double and triple checked). The nav works perfectly now on my end in FF, Chrome, Opera, Safari. On her end, it's not working - no solid background and no minimization on scroll. We've cleared all the caches, browser and server and still not working on her side in any browsers, but perfectly on mine. Any ideas? Here's the homepage:
MemberThis is perfect! Thank you ! I should've been looking for "sticky header" instead of "sticky nav".
MemberThanks. That's good news that it looks OK to you! I've cleared all caches and refreshed several times. I'm not on Siteground either. It's so strange, but if it's working for others, then I'll leave it be. The client hasn't said anything either.
MemberI solved it! My solution here in case others have the same question.
First, I removed the featured images from the old posts in bulk using this technique. then added the featured image below the post title with this code:
/* Code to Display Featured Image on top of the post */
add_action( 'genesis_before_entry_content', 'featured_post_image', 8 );
function featured_post_image() {
if ( ! is_single( 'post' )) return;
}It worked great. Now on new blog posts, the client can add a featured image and it will show below the post title. All old blog posts only are showing the image in the content, no more double images from featured image + content image! WordPress pulls in the first image from the old content as the featured image on archive pages, so it all works brilliantly now.
Thanks for responding.
MemberHey thanks Brad, that didn't do the trick. I don't think I explained well. Let me try again.
Basically, I need a way to display featured images above all single posts EXCEPT for the old imported posts (where Genesis is pulling the first image as featured image).
Any ideas?
MemberOK I figured it out for the Epik theme. In Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archives select Include Featured Image.
That was too easy. I think I'm working on too many sites at once and having overlap in my brain. 😛
MemberThanks, I got it to work finally using
. Strangely, i tried this before and it didn't work. But maybe it was because
the blog page was using index.php as the template. I had to delete and recreate the page to have it use the corrrect page_blog.php template.
Now, the primary menu isn't showing on the front page.
Frustrating little quirks that are difficult to debug.sevenbillionbuddhas
MemberI'm not seeing a home.php in either Genesis or Child theme folder. I changed the file name in the child theme called front-page.php to front-page-original.php and that didn't work.
Can you point me to which file in child or parent? Much much appreciation! -