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MemberMerry Christmas to all! Hope we all have a healthy & prosperous New Year!
December 24, 2013 at 1:26 pm in reply to: Since google buyout, YouTube videos now say "This video is private." #81091sdbroker
MemberDefinitely a YouTube question. It looks like the video owner has made the videos private. If you are the owner and accidentally made them private, you need to go to "Video Manager" on your YouTube channel and change them back to public.
MemberThis worked like a charm even on text widgets. Thank you soooo much for all your help!
Since this was fixed for my purposes, I should marked it as resolved... but I won't with the hope that StudioPress will address this issue on its release of the Genesis framework which is where it should be addressed.
Member@genwrock Ok, I see! I tried that last code in both functions.php & front-page.php with no results.
Below is the corresponding functions.php & front-page.php code for the newest theme Modern Portfolio ( which also has the same issue (includes h2 headings INSIDE the h4 main title that comes from the widget) .
Corresponding Portfolio widget code in functions.php file:
//* Register widget areas genesis_register_sidebar( array( 'id' => 'home-portfolio', 'name' => __( 'Home - Portfolio','mpp' ), 'description' => __( 'This is the portfolio section of the homepage.','mpp' ), ) );
Corresponding Portfolio widget code in front-page.php file:
/** * Add widget support for homepage. If no widgets active, display the default loop. * */ function mpp_home_genesis_meta() { if ( is_active_sidebar( 'home-portfolio' ) ) { // Force content-sidebar layout setting add_filter( 'genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout', '__genesis_return_full_width_content' ); // Add mpp-home body class add_filter( 'body_class', 'mpp_body_class' ); // Remove the navigation menus remove_action( 'genesis_after_header', 'genesis_do_nav' ); remove_action( 'genesis_after_header', 'genesis_do_subnav' ); // Remove the default Genesis loop remove_action( 'genesis_loop', 'genesis_do_loop' ); // Add homepage widgets add_action( 'genesis_loop', 'mpp_homepage_widgets' ); } } function mpp_body_class( $classes ) { $classes[] = 'mpp-home'; return $classes; } function mpp_homepage_widgets() { genesis_widget_area( 'home-portfolio', array( 'before' => '<div id="portfolio"><div class="wrap">', 'after' => '</div></div>', ) ); }
Something similar is on the Agency them but instead of Portfolio uses the "Featured Posts" widget and also on every other theme that uses widgets to input content on the front page either using the "Featured Posts", "Portfolio" or text widgets. When you input the widget title, it is marked up with an H4 tag that should be either an H1 (for HTML5 themes or H2 for everything else).
Member@emasai Thanks for the link, I don't know if you noticed but the video that he talks about the H tag syntax errors is almost 5 years old.. so it's totally irrelevant today that Google even pays attention to spelling. An H2 tag should never be inside an H4.
Not sure if that's an oversight from Genesis but it's bad for SEO.
@genwrock The h4 tag is by default on ALL Genesis child themes, that's why I point you to the demo link above. Look at the functions.php on any of the child themes that you have, also look at the front-page.php on any child theme that uses widgets to input content on the front page. It's not specific to a custom theme.The quick and dirty fix that I use until this is solved, I hardcode H1 or H2 tags in front-page.php right before the genesis_widget_area and I never input a title on a featured page, post or portfolio widget.
Hopefully someone here knows a code that can fix this or StudioPress will address it as I think that it's a major flow.
MemberThanks for the quick reply @genwrock! Tried the code above but it didn't work. Titles still show with H4 tag headings.
Take a look at this example on the Agency Pro demo
The headings "Our Work" & "Recent Articles" that are the featured posts widget titles are marked with H4 tags. Inside those H4 tags are the articles with H2 headings. I'm under the impression that enclosing higher H tags within lower H tags is a big NO for SEO.
The same is true not only on the Agency Pro theme but on ALL the G child themes that I looked at.
MemberProbably it was since even at the settings video if I recall he just drags & drops the fields into the right form area.
On another note... after playing with Ninja Forms since yesterday I think is by far the best and easiest forms plugin available. I created some multi-field forms in just a few minutes that I wasn't been able to create in CF 7. I think that this little plugin is comparable in features to the premium paid form plugins like Gravity. I've only found a small bug when you check the Ajax feature on a complex multi-field form but It works fine on a simple contact forms.
Love it! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
MemberThis new feature in 3.8 reminds me Jetpack and how difficult is to turn modes off... Am I smelling a Jetpack integration into a future WP update?
Member@Summer God bless you! I knew I was missing something very obvious! On the plugin's page at WP the description starts with: "Forms created with a simple drag and drop interface"... that's what threw me off.
MemberTo the ones who use Ninja Forms - Are you guys able to drag & drop new fields to the pre-existing contact form that came within the plugin or and fields when creating a new forms?
After seeing some of you here raving about Ninja Forms I'm giving it a try but it won't let me drop any fields to the form. Is there an obvious setting that I'm missing? I follow the instructions on the video at the WP plugin's page with no results.
I even tested with the old 2012 theme and all other plugins disabled. Am I missing something obvious?
Member@Mealtog Google's Matt Cutts has publicly said that meta-keywords are no longer used by the engines and Yoast is saying the same... NOT meta-description. Actually Yoast's SEO plug-in insists that you enter a meta-description. It is always showing on the engine results, unless the user's keywords are not including in your meta-description.
Meta-description is the second most important meta after your title.sdbroker
MemberYoast... but use another sitemap if you want the front page (main site) to be included. Strangely, Yoast doesn't have an option to include your main site ( on its sitemap.
MemberYou need to specify the location of the image.
For example:
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="">
MemberSeveral of the current HTML5 Pro versions can easily be modified for a real estate site and do what AgentPress does and some of them even look better. Metro Pro, Minimum Pro & Agency Pro are IMO the best suited themes and easiest to be modified for real estate sites.
HOWEVER there are 2 issues that you have to seriously consider with any of those modified themes:
First, as I found the hard way, most IDX vendors that sell IDX plugins do NOT currently have a plugin that is 100% responsive & HTML5 compatible. The couple that offer an IDX responsive plugin, it isn't HTML5 compatible and your site will have many CSS validation errors due to that IDX.
Second, and most important in my opinion when converting your existing site to an HTML5 site, it is that NONE of the modified themes (either by you or by a developer) has the proper real estate schema microdata. Google Data Structure tool sees your site marked up as a webpage and your listings as a creative work which doesn't help at all and rather makes things worse than if you just stay with an non-HTML5 theme... again as I found out the ward way by having HTML5 sites dropping on the SERPS after the conversion.
Based on a video that I saw (thanks to @braddalton who shared the link to it) regarding the release of Genesis 2, the upcoming release of AgentPress will include the PROPER real estate schema microdata and my guess is that it takes longer to be developed because of this.
IMO it's worth to wait for the AgentPress Pro release, study the included real estate schema microdata and then replace the default schema to any of the other themes that you want to convert for real estate.
Member@RealtyCandy Thank you James. Although as I said before, I think that IDX Broker is currently the most complete WordPress plugin, reading that
A subdomain can be useful to separate out content that is completely different.
on the Matt Cuts article you provided convinced me that IDX Broker is not what I want. How can a "homes for sale in My City" be classified as completely different from "My City real estate" page? I guess by having the "homes for sale in My City" in a subdomain instead of in a subdirectory under "My City real estate" according to Matt Cuts.
A silly question: Do you also need a separate WordPress install on that subdirectory in order to run the plugin?
I'm sure that IDX Broker is perfectly fine for those starting a new website with no existing content but it doesn't seem fine to those already having an established website with lots of existing content. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Thank you for the clarifications! Getting answers from an IDX Broker developer/partner, at least I now know what works and what not for my specific needs.
Member@RealtyCandy I've got a few questions about the IDX Broker for you.I know that is the most responsive from all of the plugins currently out there so that's never been my concern and I also know that it can be manipulated on the user/developer side to make quite a few nice presentations of the search and result pages.
Here's my concerns:
1) Based on what I've read on IDX Broker's site and from what I've seen on Realtor sites that use the Platinum plugin, in order to get SEO credit you need to point a subdomain to
so your site looks something like
. If you already have a WordPress site that runs another IDX plugin with 1000s of listing pages already indexed by the search engines can you install IDX Broker in a subfolder instead of a subdomain, similar
?2) On the listing details page when you click on any of the listing's photos it opens a new page with all the photos in it and a link on top and bottom of the page to "Click here to return to property details". I believe that's a very lame approach since it makes the user to make 2 clicks if he/she wants to see the next property on the results page (1st click to return to the property's results & 2nd click to see the next property). Most of the other IDX providers use some kind of a gallery to display the photos on the same page of the listing's details. Is there any way that IDX Broker can be made to also display photos on the same page either as a pop-up or as gallery slider?
3) When you use the Search tool on IDX Broker the URL of the results page displayed on the browser looks similar to this:
which includes the "listinds" subdomain before " Is there any way that this and similar result pages URLs can be changed on the user/developer side to be something similar
instead?4) Can the Search Results and Property Details pages be manipulated on the user/developer level to add meta in front of the property address, city, state, price, geo, etc. without having to rely on IDX Broker's support to do it whenever they feel like it?
I was seriously considering IDX Broker as I think that you can manipulated the most out of the existing WordPress plugins but those are the things that turned me off on it. I have NOT demo it myself so I really don't know if all or some of those things that bug me can be changed.
MemberI still use iHomeFinder but I have put 100s of hours to make it partially work the way I want to. BTW - their map search is NOT officially responsive and only partially responsive with a some CSS work from your part.
I believe from what I've reviewed that currently only IDX Broker is fully responsive but I don't like the fact that you have to create a subdomain and forward it to them for the IDX to work, plus I don't like the way it displays the photos and the lead capture on the listing's detail page which is pretty lame IMO. Also not sure how SEO friendly the plugin is as from what I see on several sites that is installed most of the URLs are not even SEO friendly.
Most of the IDX plugin providers offer you a lemon and it's up to you how many hours of work you are willing to put to make a lemonade out of it.
There are a few custom IDX options that they are actually pretty good but they use their proprietary technology that they will not offer as a plugin, will not work with WordPress and you MUST use it with their own website templates which make the whole package extremely expensive, so keep looking and if you find any that you are happy with (out of the box) please let me know. 🙂
Member@carolin iHomeFinder WILL NOT officially support or help you with any responsive themes or for the matter any themes that include technology that is a couple years new.
Out of the box iHomeFinder will only work with the current (old-nonresponsive) AgentPress theme and the OLD WordPress 2011 & 2012 themes which they try to turn you back on using them when you call with issues. It also has a few bugs with ALL versions of Internet Explorer that make prospect sign-up & login impossible.
It takes A LOT of work on your part without any help to make their plugin work (and still with many bugs that will display some of their forms broken up) on the newer HTML5 themes. It is also incompatible with most SEO plugins. Although they claim that they have the friendliest SEO plugin, they use a lot of javascript code to display the listings that most of it will be included on the description meta. If you are using Open Graphs meta tags ALL they display is javascript code.
MemberThanks Brad! Here's an example of a dynamic created page that I'm trying to create a custom template page which will replace the default genesis schema.
MemberThanks Brad, I had previously seen Ryan's blog post and I actually used it for changing the schema on a few pages (for my needs I think it's better than the Microdata Manager plugin as it gives you more control and options) but again this only works for static pages and posts that have an ID and can be edited.
I've got more than 7,000 dynamic generated pages that have no ID, no slug and they all have unique titles that can change based on item availability. That is why I believe that only a custom page template will work.
The closest I have found is Yoast's speaking page example which uses a custom template page and a genesis markup helper file.
From what I saw on the video you have included on your blog, there's a big possibility that child themes that include the specific scheme will arrive sometime in the near future, so I guess we'll have to wait for them to get a better idea on how that works... I'm pretty sure that it's not difficult if you know what filters to use, as using an incorrect filter can break that custom template page.