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Thanks Anita, I was able to use the WP-CLI to update the feed settings. The code mentioned above is useful. I would be moving to proper solution later on so I can use it at that time to remove the setting all together.
Thanks for you help.
sanjeevParticipantThanks Anita, I guess I should have checked that place to see if anything has changed.
It still creates few questions:
1. What's the recommended way to redirect the feed with the latest Genesis versions? Looks like we need to use third part plugins to get this done.
2. I have started before v2.6 because I have the feed setup with feedburner and used Genesis Theme settings to redirect it to feedburner. The feed redirect is still working correctly. The issue is that at that time SSL was not an requirement and feed was set up as HTTP, now I want to move it to HTTPS and I don't see any way to update that setting.
sanjeevParticipantI am able to use all the other blocks but only reusable blocks are not available.
Which links are broken? What is not loading?
Genesis child theme style.css or other functions use the site address mentioned under general settings. Have you updated it to use https rather than http?
You still need to update the internal post links start with https. You can use some plugin to do find and replace your to
sanjeevParticipantFor that look at the .article css tag and adjust the padding accordingly. You might have to readjust the value for the top again after this.
sanjeevParticipantYou can search for below tags and check padding value for them. Like for .archive-description, I can see the padding: 60px. If I change it to 10, it removes the gap between header and page title. I have just tried in chrome but you can make changes in your Style.css.
sanjeevParticipantHave you changed some paddings for the below css tags?
.entryIf you see they have 40px and 70px padding, which is causing this gap. I just have a look for 2 min, so not sure if that's the exact reason but try playing with those value and it might solve your problem.
sanjeevParticipantYou can use below existing CSS tags to change the font size in the Aspire Pro Style.css.
body { font-size: 20px; font-size: 2rem; }
Change font-size according to your need and it will start showing for all the posts. Make sure rem and px values are in sync. Also there are different font size used according to screen size. So make sure you test all versions before making the final changes.
To change the padding between content and sidebar, I have not find a direct setting so it is getting controlled with with width tag for .content and .sidebar-primary.
.content has a float value as left and .sidebar-primary has it as right. That should be generating the gap, you can play with those values and see if fix it.
sanjeevParticipantI don't think there are much issues, one thing is that it is getting confused with iFrames.
Try using any internal page and see if you see these errors...You have multiple iframes on your home page and the tool is not able to understand that....
sanjeevParticipantHi, I checked both the site and you are running Metro on both the site but technically its not the same.
Your site has Metro child theme which is XHTML version of the theme and created for Genesis 1.x. Other site has Metro Pro which is HTML5 variants and has some design changes along with it.
Metro Pro is build using Genesis 2.0 and has complete HTML5 support.
Now if you can let me know the exact changes which you want to make, I can help you with the css and code for Metro Pro...
sanjeevParticipantHave you tried removing one of the icon from the widget and see if its make it in a single line. My guess is that you have longer width and that's the reason you are getting second line.
If you still need all the icons, you need to update the CSS and adjust the length of the title-area and header-widget-area.
sanjeevParticipantMetro is using "'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" font family in the demo. It should be the same as the purchased metro.
I am also using Metro and you can check at my site, I am not seeing any difference between the demo and my site (except font size which I adjusted on my site.)
Currently it is inheriting it from the body tag, you can add a font-family attribute in H2 tag to overwrite it.
Make sure you are able to load the Google Font correctly. I will check on the @import (never looked on to that side..)
sanjeevParticipantYou can change the below line and see if it helps. (You have three dots after the read more text and I think this is what is creating issues...)
$excerpt = str_replace( ‘[…]‘, ‘'<a class="more-link" href="' . get_permalink() . '">[Read More...]</a>', $text );
sanjeevParticipantIf you are using Genesis 2.0 than you can activate it through below code:
Just paste this code in function.php
add_action( 'genesis_after_entry_content', 'genesis_prev_next_post_nav',);
Let me know which theme you are looking for and I can provide specific instruction...
sanjeevParticipantI think you can use the below mention code to change the byline and only display it on the page.
//* Customize the post info function add_filter( 'genesis_post_info', 'sp_post_info_filter' ); function sp_post_info_filter($post_info) { if ( is_page() ) { $post_info = '[post_date] by [post_author_posts_link] [post_comments] [post_edit]'; return $post_info; }}
Edit the byline info according to your need.
August 21, 2013 at 10:12 pm in reply to: Styling links associated with each post category in the Filed Under Section #58118sanjeevParticipantUsually they are targeted by CSS class categories and if you want one styling for all your can change that css and it should work....
If you want different styles for each category then it might need some code to back it up....but I like the idea of changing that....will check on it and post back as soon as I have something....
Which version of genesis you are working with...2.0?
May 13, 2013 at 10:46 am in reply to: Metro Theme – How to show featured image under heading on blog page roll #40680sanjeevParticipantsanjeevParticipantHave you checked the webmaster account to see what kind of errors you are getting on your website?
May 10, 2013 at 10:06 pm in reply to: Metro Theme – How to show featured image under heading on blog page roll #40421sanjeevParticipantYou need to activate in the Genesis Theme settings. There is a box called content archive.....under that check the box 'include featured image' and select the size of the image....
sanjeevParticipantIt might be your cache plugin, which takes some time to show changes for the cached pages...
Your code looks fine, so it is ok....Glad I was able to help...