Forum Replies Created
Renu BakshiMember
Braddalton: What do you mean by - with a conditional tag: is _ single
Renu BakshiMemberBraddalton : Any reason you don’t want to use the code i supplied as its the best option?
Me: I am not familiar with all these. So not confident in using it.
Renu BakshiMemberThanks Braddalton,
Can Genesis Simple Hooks or any other plugin be used for this purpose. If yes, then which hook is to be used.
Any other plugin which can be used for this purpose.
Thanks & Regards............Renu
Renu BakshiMemberThanks a lot Anitac
Renu BakshiMemberThanaks Antac.
I have found the genesis_after_header hook.
Please tell me when I have to tick the small boxes appearing adjacent to (i) Execute Shortcodes on this hook? and (ii) Execute PHP on this hook? What for these are?
BTW, I will be adding google adsense code. In this case do I have to tick any of these boxes?
Renu BakshiMemberThanks : Anitac.
Thanks : Braddalton.
I am new to all these. I do not know coding at all. So I think in the beginning Genesis Simple Plugins will suit me.
Renu BakshiMemberAre you using Genesis Siple Hooks with wordpress version 3.5.1. Does it work.
Renu BakshiMemberThanks a lot Braddalton,
You are right, I would like to change the two nav menu bar colors also. Please advise how to do that as well.
Please also advise about this:
You have said: "Simply remove the code for the image and replace it with a hex color code."
(i) I find no image there. Where is the image,
(ii) I find following there:
#wrap {
background: url(images/wrap.png) repeat-x;
margin: 0 auto;
}.magazine-landing #wrap {
background: none;
}Please advise what should I remove here and with what should I replace it.
Thanks & Regards.....................