Forum Replies Created
January 11, 2014 at 11:53 am in reply to: Trouble adding meta tag to executive pro child theme #84635
MemberDang. I totally spaced that there is a Settings page in Genesis that lets me add stuff to the header. I did it that way and it worked like a charm.
MemberDone and fixed. Thanks again for your help!
MemberAh, thank you. My brain was twisted around the wrong problem. I appreciate you pointing that out to me.
MemberThanks. I changed the setting for Maximum Slider Width (in pixels) to 500, but that didn't make it so that my browser window could be sized to that width without the slider excerpt disappearing. It still vanishes at 1024px wide, no matter what I change the setting to.
Display Content in Slider is checked.
Hide Title & Content on Mobile Devices is unchecked.
"Limit content to" is set to 140 characters.
Slider Excerpt Width (in percentage) is set to 30, but nothing happens when I change this up or down.
Also, the pagination indicator disappears at 1200px wide. Was hoping it would move up on the image a bit.
Is there anything else I could try?
MemberAh, never mind. I figured it out. I was using the secure Epic browser which seemed to be blocking the image from showing for some reason. A very minor browser most people don't even know about, and it's not an issue on Chrome/FF/IE. Sorry about that.
MemberI backed off my previous changes noted above, and then I added the following to CSS under Widget Area:
.site-header .widget-area { border-style:solid; border-width:1px; width:940px; height:139px; margin-left:200px; }
Then, I added my AdRotate widget to the Header Right widget area within the Widget manager in the Dashboard.
That got me what you see now at Problem is, the image itself is not appearing, even though the rendered code (according to Chrome Inspector) says that it should. See for what I'm seeing in the Inspector vs. on the page itself. The black rectangle is where I've outlined where the image should appear.
Maybe I'm not doing the CSS correctly?
MemberHi Brad,
I have a followup question for you on this one. The customer would like an ad to appear to the right of the site title header (the logo). I decided to go with the AdRotate plugin for ad management. It has a widget for adding new ads throughout the site.
I added a new CSS class:
.site-title-ad-area { border-style:solid; border-width:5px; width:940px; height:139px; margin-left:200px; }
Then I added a new widget and widget area by modifying functions.php and front-page.php thusly:
genesis_widget_area( 'title-area-adrotate', array( 'before' => '<div class="site-title-ad-area widget-area"><?php echo adrotate_ad(1); ?>', 'after' => '</div>', ) );
The code
<?php echo adrotate_ad(1); ?>
is what brings in the ad.
genesis_register_sidebar( array( 'id' => 'title-area-adrotate', 'name' => __( 'Title Area AdRotate', 'executive' ), 'description' => __( 'This is the ad section on the title bar of the whole site.', 'executive' ), ) );
See for how it looks now. You'll see how this puts the ad banner just above the slider and below the menu. But what I really want is for it to appear above the menu and directly to the right of the logo in the title bar. I just can't figure out where to place the AdRotate code to get that to happen. There's not a "header.php" file as I've become accustomed to with some other themes (though I know that isn't always the best way).
Is there a way to drop my adrotate code
<?php echo adrotate_ad(1); ?>
into that spot next to the logo?
MemberThanks. That last code snippet worked.
January 1, 2014 at 12:50 pm in reply to: One-half columns in Home Top area…what's the best way? #82525rcwatson
MemberAh, ok. I get it. Just to be sure, I made things very explicit:
.home-top .widget { float: left; padding: 0 2.8%; width: 100%; } .home-middle .widget { float: left; padding: 0 2.8%; width: 33.3333333333%; }
It works the way I intended now.
January 1, 2014 at 12:43 pm in reply to: One-half columns in Home Top area…what's the best way? #82519rcwatson
MemberHmm. Problem is that the template and styles seems to assume one always wants the top and middle widgets divided into thirds. Is there a way to differentiate and customize these on an as-needed basis?
January 1, 2014 at 12:01 pm in reply to: One-half columns in Home Top area…what's the best way? #82500rcwatson
MemberThanks. Problem is, that just "squishes" it into the first column. Have a look at
MemberThanks. Adding that CSS did the trick.
MemberHi. I'm having this same problem, except when I upload my image, it wants to crop it to the default size that comes with the template (200x100 or something).
To match the height and width of my customer's logo, I modified the following code in my functions.php to what you see below
//* Add support for custom header add_theme_support( 'custom-header', array( 'width' => 200, 'height' => 139, 'header-selector' => '.site-title a', 'header-text' => false ) );
but I haven't done any other CSS changes. I just need the logo to default crop to 200x139, not that 200x100 size that it wants to do by default.
MemberThanks Emasai. That did the trick.
MemberAh, never mind. I just found the tutorial in this forum.
MemberOk. Well, I'll have to see if the client wants to spend $20 more for that. Is it fairly straightforward to implement within Executive Pro, like drag/drop a widget? If coding is involved, is there any documentation available on integrating with Executive Pro?
MemberI just tried changing it various widths via Chrome Inspector, expecting its responsive design framework to "pop" it into the slot to the right of the slider, but changing all widths to below the threshold for that did nothing.
Any other tips I can try? Getting sorta frustrated here. Shouldn't be this hard if it's truly a responsive design.
MemberI've installed the Genesis Responsive Slider and Simple Sidebars plugins and they're both activated now. I see the submenu items now. But I'm not getting why even after I followed these directions I'm still not seeing the sidebar move to the right of the slider area.