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MemberI'm back : ).. I had worked with those tutorials and the ones on but to no avail. I reactivated my Genesis Sticky Header plugin, but although it does what it's supposed to, I'd ideally want it to be centered--or to at least not go all the way to the left.
Here's its file:
Plugin Name: Genesis sticky menu
Plugin URI:
Description: This plugin adds a sticky menu to Genesis powered site. Requires the Genesis framework.
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Iniyan
Author URI:
/** Define our constants */
define( 'GSM_SETTINGS_FIELD', 'gsm-settings' );
define( 'GSM_PLUGIN_DIR', dirname( __FILE__ ) );
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'gsm_activation' );/**
* This function runs on plugin activation. It checks to make sure Genesis
* or a Genesis child theme is active. If not, it deactivates itself.
* @since 0.1.0
function gsm_activation() {if ( 'genesis' != basename( TEMPLATEPATH ) ) {
gsm_deactivate( '1.8.0', '3.3' );
* Deactivate GS Design.
* @since
*/function gsm_deactivate( $genesis_version = '1.8.0', $wp_version = '3.3' ) {
deactivate_plugins( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) );
wp_die( sprintf( __( 'Sorry, you cannot run Genesis Sticky Menu without WordPress %s and Genesis %s or greater.', 'gsdesign' ), $wp_version, '', $genesis_version ) );
}add_action( 'genesis_init', 'gsm_init', 20 );
* Load admin menu and helper functions. Hooked to
* @since 1.8.0
function gsm_init() {
/** Deactivate if not running Genesis 1.8.0 or greater */if ( ! class_exists( 'Genesis_Admin_Boxes' ) )
add_action( 'admin_init', 'gsm_deactivate', 10, 0 );
/** Admin Menu */
if ( is_admin() )
require_once( GSM_PLUGIN_DIR . '/gsm-design.php' );
/** CSS generator function */
require_once( GSM_PLUGIN_DIR . '/gsm-style.php' );
//* enqueue script *//
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'gsm_enqueue_script' );function gsm_enqueue_script() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'sticky-menu', plugins_url( 'js/sticky-menu.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery' ), '', true );
}//*Adding Sticky Menu
add_theme_support ( 'genesis-menus' , array ( 'primary' => 'Primary Navigation Menu' , 'secondary' => 'Secondary Navigation Menu' ,'stickymenu' => 'Genesis Sticky Menu' ) );// Add new navbar
add_action('genesis_before', 'stickymenu');function stickymenu() {
echo '<div id="subnav"><div class="wrap">';
wp_nav_menu( array( 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'container_id' => '' , 'menu_class' => 'menu genesis-nav-menu menu-secondary', 'theme_location' => 'stickymenu') );
echo '</div></div>';
How should I change it?? THANKS in advance!!pgapg2
MemberWow thank you SOOO much @braddalton! I just replaced the hook in that code w/the "genesis_after_post_content" one (thanks for that site, too, btw) and it worked wonderfully. Thanks again!
MemberAhhh I see. Thanks, @nutsandbolts!! And I got that plugin, too, @krystyn, but it gets shifted to the very left of my blog and Idk how to fix that :/..
MemberThese tips have been great, but I was wondering what I could have done wrong (I also followed the SP tutorial but didn't see).
- Here's my CSS: >> I didn't make any changes to that yet b/c I wanted to see what it looked like first : ). (Should I edit some things first?)
- And both my .js and functions.php files/additions look exactly like what the tutorial recommended.Help, please? (I've only been on WP for about a month, so I apologize in advance if I haven't seen something that's practically staring at me.) Thanks in advance!!
MemberAs I mentioned above, I deactivated Fancier Author Box. After waiting a few minutes and clearing the cache, I was surprised to discover that the individual post pages had returned back to normal! Hallelujah : D!!
(Did you do something similar, @clarkscondensed?)
PS- I'm not a WP expert but if you encounter this same issue (regardless of whether Blissful was updated), you could start by deactivating any plugins that don't look right. That's what I did and fortunately it worked for me : ). If that doesn't work, maybe then you can deactivate them all. And as a last resort you could come back here and/or ask the StudioPress team directly to take a look. Hope that helps!!
November 19, 2013 at 9:29 pm in reply to: How do I center the primary navigation menu on the page? #74314pgapg2
MemberHa yes, it does. I knew I should have given it a few minutes : ) and looked elsewhere.
(From me and all those who'll look at this thread in the future>>) Thanks SO much for your help, Tony!
MemberI just saw the SAME thing happen to me (though I'm not sure if it was b/c of the update)!! Dang... But I noticed that individual post pages on the blog you shared were fixed. How did you fix this issue? I can't promote my blog if it's broken like this :(.
(I'm at and here's a post: >> Look at the very bottom underneath the Disqus comments. I deactivated the Fancier Box plugin b/c it looked WAY odd, but all my sidebar stuff is messed up and right underneath Disqus.)
Thanks in advance!!
November 19, 2013 at 8:59 pm in reply to: How do I center the primary navigation menu on the page? #74310pgapg2
MemberHey Tony,
No prob! Though that didn't work either. What could be going on? I don't want to give up on this theme b/c I felt it was perfect, but I might have to if I can't center the friggin' menu! Argh...
Thanks for trying, though! If you can think of anything else, I'm all ears.
November 18, 2013 at 2:24 pm in reply to: How do I center the primary navigation menu on the page? #74011pgapg2
MemberHi, Tony!
Which site were you looking at? (I have a few on WP.) This one's for the one at The changes I made (e.g., all the "float"s are set to "none" and the "text align"s to "center) are still there, but the header's still aligned to the left. :/...
Let me know if you have any more Qs and thanks so much for looking into this.
November 17, 2013 at 7:22 pm in reply to: How do I center the primary navigation menu on the page? #73865pgapg2
MemberHi, Tony
I tried implementing that code on my Runway CSS file, but the Nav Bar's still aligned to the left :/. Here's what I've ended up with:
.genesis-nav-menu {
border-bottom: 2px solid #1E1E1E;
clear: both;
overflow: hidden;
text-align: center
}#header .genesis-nav-menu {
float: none;
margin-top: 48px;
margin-top: 3rem;
width: auto;
}.genesis-nav-menu ul {
float: none;
width: 100%;
}.genesis-nav-menu li {
display: inline-block;
float: left;
list-style-type: none;
text-align: center;
}I've only been on WP for about a month, so do forgive me if this seems like a no-brainer. Thanks in advance!!!