Forum Replies Created
I started with Genesis in April - challenging at first but worth it!
I don't know about Genesis-specific translating, but:
String Translation -, "Small Content Big Sidebar" in this Tutorial from Brad Dalton:
These free plugins may help:
DTHkellyMemberDTHkellyMemberHave you searched the archives @ ? He has a lot of tutorials close to your question that may help.
Adding Custom Post Type entries in a Page that uses Blog Template in Genesis
While it is possible to set the posts to appear only from a certain category or specify a list of category IDs that should be excluded and the number of Posts to show via Theme settings,
DTHkellyMember#1 -
This may also help re: #1:
#2: Google should help. Here's an example:
another option:, Dynamik (and its forum/users) have helped me progress from no-coding skills to actual coding skills. I understand Genesis developer tutorials better as well.
I have a specific project that I think News Pro will be perfect for. And Extender will let me use "Dynamik" customizations on News Pro. Carrie Dils uses Extender, too, among other Genesis pro's.
BTW, I'm a NYG fan (and y'all crushed us in the 2001 Super Bowl)! And more recently, too. 🙁
DTHkellyMemberSome additional reference that may help:
How to display Genesis Featured Widget Amplified output in columns
DTHkellyMemberI highly recommend Dynamik.
I am new to WordPress, newer to Genesis (started with WooFramework) and Dynamik (plus excellent Forum and Knowledge Base) have taught me so much, much faster. I'm now writing php functions, ... and some work! 🙂
The Forum has excellent snippets and tutorials from (generous) users, too.
I purchased Dynamik in April (and Extender in May). I also have News Pro. You have 30 days for refund, so test it out.
DTHkellyMemberSmall Content Big Sidebar - exactly what I need - thank you!
DTHkellyMemberDetailed Solution: related info:
Carrie Dils has a tutorial: could also try
DTHkellyMemberSorry - my skills are too limited to evaluate your code (or mine for that matter!). in Genesis you have to enable support for a specific custom post type and a plugin. of enabling Product CPT support from Genesis Simple Sidebars:
add_post_type_support( 'product', 'genesis-simple-sidebars' );
DTHkellyMemberFor Custom Post Types, Ultimate Posts Widget does not filter by CPT taxonomy. Only post categories.
DTHkellyMemberHere's a Genesis-based, Featured CPT option:
DTHkellyMemberSo helpful - thanks!
Here's an example of custom function and is_single conditional tag (that I wouldn't have known to search for ...) keeping the sidebar, see Genesis CSS:
DTHkellyMemberGenesis Magazine Pro/Genesis CSS from the WooThemes Sensei Forum Posted By Rob Cubbon:
Sidebar dropping below content issue in Genesis Magazine Pro theme
There's a fix in the documentation for this issue of the sidebar dropping below content on the Sensei pages (Courses, Lessons, etc.) The fix (I can't find it now) involves changing the /wrappers/wrapper-start.php and /wrappers/wrapper-end.php which seemed quite confusing at the time.Anyway, I found a nice CSS fix for this issue that will work on any theme with a quick identification of the correct selectors and declarations using Developer Tools.
This how I did it with Magazine Pro theme.
Go to a "normal" page like the home page here: go Cmd/Ctrl-Shift-I to get Developer Tools and select (with magnifying glass icon if you're using Chrome) the content area. This shows the containing element's style that gives it the proper width so it fits in with the sidebar and in Magazine Pro (and probably a lot of other Genesis themes) this is it:
.content {
float: right;
width: 750px;
}Now if you go to a Sensei course page, for example: and perform the same function with Developer Tools you won't find the .content, you will find in it's place a .col-left selector. So this is the containing div that Sensei puts in and needs to be styled in order to give the content area its proper width.
.col-left { float: left; width: 750px; }
All well and good. But it isn't. Because Genesis Magazine Pro theme is responsive like all good themes should be, you have to add .col-left to the media queries everywhere .content is.
Firstly, @media only screen and (max-width: 1139px) add .col-left to the .content declaration:
.col-left , .content { width: 630px; }
And secondly @media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) add .col-left to the .content declaration:
.col-left , .content, .content-sidebar-sidebar .content, .content-sidebar-sidebar .content-sidebar-wrap, .footer-widgets-1, .footer-widgets-2, .footer-widgets-3, .home-middle .featured-content .entry, .sidebar-content-sidebar .content, .sidebar-content-sidebar .content-sidebar-wrap, .sidebar-primary, .sidebar-secondary, .sidebar-sidebar-content .content, .sidebar-sidebar-content .content-sidebar-wrap, .site-header .widget-area, .title-area { width: 100%; }
... it looks complicated but it's just three changes in the style.css of the Child Theme.
I hope this helps somebody.