Forum Replies Created
Erik D. Slater
MemberAlways post a link of your site so everyone can better understand the fine details of your issues
Could not agree more 🙂
But ...
Over the last few days, I have been receiving a potentially alarmingly frequent rate of emails from old, unresolved threads to which you (Gandt) have been responding. Some of your responses are redundant, e.g. you are simply agreeing with what has been said. Some of your responses are a bit misleading or confusing ... possibly tantamount to troll-like behaviour. It's clear (I think) that you want to help ... but you may want to care about how you approach things going forward 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInJune 30, 2015 at 10:25 pm in reply to: How to Extend Post Excerpt and Add Read More Button in Metro Theme? #158006Erik D. Slater
MemberGenesis -> Theme Settings ... you should then see a section called Content Archives. If you don't see it, you may need to select Screen Options in the top right-hand corner of the page, then check the "Content Archives" box.
Alternatively, you should be able to find it under Appearance -> Customize ... where you can find it under the "Content Archives" tab.
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberJust to add ... and referencing ...
Getting rid of the white space above your banner image can be done by:
- removing padding-top: 10px; from .title-area
- removing padding: 40px 0; from .site-header .wrapAs for your banner image, you really just need to make it wider or make it repeat ... then you won't get the chopped off effect.
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberI take back the hidden part (site header) on the site. I hadn’t gotten to hiding it over there.
Custom Header Image:
- hidden on
- visible on bossgirlcreative.comBanner Image:
- visible on
- hidden on bossgirlcreative.comDoes this help clarify your confusion?
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberI wasn't talking about the "Site Header". I have never spoken about the "Site Header".
The "Site Header" about which you speak - or Custom Header Image - is 320px x 120px.
Let me just make this absolutely clear: I AM NOT SPEAKING ABOUT THE CUSTOM HEADER IMAGE 🙂
And yes, I KNOW the custom header image is hidden on That is why I have not made any reference to it ... and the only reason why I am talking about the banner image.
Just to reiterate ... for the sake of clarity ... and to avoid any confusion, whatsoever ...
I am only talking about the banner image aka the Daisy Area 🙂
And again, just to confirm:
Custom Header Image
- 320px x 120px
- currently hidden on
- not part of this discussionBanner Image
- 2000px x 200px by theme default
- currently 1279px x 387px on
- only topic of discussionWith this in mind, please re-read my reply above ... very carefully.
Are we clear now?
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberThe reason I asked if you had read the setup page is because there is a note in there that says the following:
Note: This background image will work best if it is exactly 200px high. Taller images will display only the middle 200px on the screen. The image included in the theme is 2000px wide and intended to not be repeated. Experimentation may be needed to find an image that will work well in this location. The site banner is not intended to be used as a header.
Obviously, the height can be changed. But the critical takeaway is the bit in bold. In your case, because the width of your banner image is only 1279px wide, you are only going to see the middle 387px.
Unless you allow it to repeat (which isn't desirable), the easiest solution is to make it wider as recommended by the theme notes. Other solutions exist ... but let's not go there 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberThe problem - as far as I can see - simply boils down to your banner image being too small, width-wise.
In your CSS (going back to, when you set the background-size to cover - and it's not wide enough to fit the entire width of the screen - the image will expand proportionally to fit inside the 387px container.
That is the reason why your friend noticed the chopped off effect ... both at the top and the bottom.
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberErik D. Slater
MemberDid you read through the Beautiful Pro theme setup page on how to configure the site header banner image?
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberOK. First of all, thank you for providing your screenschot.
Secondly, based on your screenshot, when - exactly - did we switch over to That is the first time the URL has been mentioned, i.e. up until now, the only URL we have had to work with was
Thirdly, always keep in mind that we are here to provide you with the assistance you need. Eventually, your problem will be solved. But we are volunteers ... we don't work for StudioPress ... or Copyblogger Media ... and we are giving up our time to help you ... at no cost to you.
And also remember this: we actually want to help you here 🙂 But the less information you provide to us, the harder it is for us to diagnose issues and provide solutions.
So ... before proceeding any further, which site should we be working with? My advice is to go with the site that is not your live site.
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberAlrighty then 🙂
Right now, your home page looks like this screenshot.
If you are you using a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache, you should clear it down.
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberMy advice is to return your theme back to the original state ... and we start again. Because right now, the header image on your site is nowhere near what you want to have.
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
Memberyou da man
... because being "da woman" would be a logistical anomaly 🙂
I did notice that your responsive menu isn't quite right in terms of the background colour. You've sort-of strayed a bit from the demo ... which is fine, of course ... but you may want to target the following CSS selectors in your 1023px media query section:, .responsive-menu-icon { background-color: whatever you need; }
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberYou didn't copy the contents above, then paste it into your global.js file 🙂
You are still missing the following line (which is supposed to appear immediately AFTER the */ bit) ... which is required to make the whole thing work WITHOUT additional CSS changes:
$( '.site-header' ).addClass( 'dark' );
The only inner page I could find was your Services page ... and it looks like you modified the CSS to get the background colour working there.
Alternatively, if you don't want to make any additional changes to your global.js file, remove the following CSS definition from your style.css file:
.featured-section .site-header { background-color: transparent; }
I was trying to keep things nice n simple for you ... just in case you wanted to revert back to the original. Best laid plans n all that 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInJune 24, 2015 at 12:34 am in reply to: Agency Pro – Home Top Widget Font Size – Not the title but the wording below it #157370Erik D. Slater
MemberFirstly, are you changing font-size to 20 or 30 ... or to 20px or 30px? Because it should work. May be a caching issue there (need to refresh the page once you upload the changed file).
Secondly, I'm not so sure that's the right place to change it anyway ... since that would change the font-size for all your standard text throughout your entire site. Since this is a text widget, you could wrap the text in a
tag in the widget itself, and assign it a class, e.g.<span class="sub-description">Focusing on nurturing and transforming groundbreaking ideas into truly successful enterprise</span>
and then add the following to your style.css file:
.sub-description { font-size: 20px; }
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberThe first thing to understand here is that full width - in WordPress terms - doesn't always mean what people think. There are two types:
- full width of the screen
- full width of the themeFor many themes, the two are different. For Beautiful Pro though, they happen to be the same. And here is where I'm all confused ... because right now, you have something different to the theme default ... yet I think you want what the theme default provides ... which is probably one of the reasons why you chose the theme in the first place 🙂
The solution to all of this depends on how you want things to work during responsive behaviour.
If you want the text part of your logo to stay the same throughout responsive activities - which is not like Love Being Boss - then using the default custom background method in your theme should work ... with minor CSS changes.
If you want things to behave like Love Being Boss, then you will need to separate the text part of your logo from the background part. If you created the image yourself, then that will be easy to achieve. If you outsourced the work, you should be in possession of the original, unflattened/non-exported version of the file you essentially paid for.
Two things can then happen ... still assuming that you want the Love Being Boss effect.
Firstly, you would set the custom background part (the steering wheel image) as per original Beautiful Pro theme standard ... then apply relevant CSS changes as required.
Secondly, you would modify the beautiful_site_header_banner() function in your functions.php file to add in the text part of your image (which is exactly how Love Being Boss handles things). The following code:
echo '<div class="site-header-banner"></div>';
would need to be changed to:
echo '<div class="site-header-banner"><img src="text part image URL" alt="" /></div>';
and then you should be done ... more or less.
All of the above - by the way - has nothing to do with the custom header image ... which is 320x120 by default.
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberApologies for poking my nose into this one 🙂
As the window width reduces responsively, two things can happen:
(1) the image stays the same; the height remains unchanged; but CSS removes the sides from view, e.g. what your site is currently doing
(2) the image width and height both reduce, but proportionally, e.g. this website here. It's not my site, but I did fix the header image issue here.If you play around with resizing your browser's window width, you'll see what I mean in both cases.
What you can't do - however - is have your complete image remain at full width AND maintain the same height as you view your site during responsive activity. That would make your image look all squeezed-like 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInJune 23, 2015 at 8:12 am in reply to: How to make site title appear only after scroll starts #157285Erik D. Slater
MemberI may have to delete the links in the above posts and dissociate myself from such a stupid rookie mistake
Nah. Happens all the time. How do you think I was able to spot it so quickly? 🙂
Thank you so much for your help ... I should say, it of course works perfectly now – thank you
It's all Christoph's doing 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInJune 23, 2015 at 7:34 am in reply to: How to make site title appear only after scroll starts #157279Erik D. Slater
MemberYes ... well ... you have a little typo there, my friend. Let's see if you can spot it 🙂 - what your site requests - what you uploaded
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInJune 23, 2015 at 7:02 am in reply to: How to make site title appear only after scroll starts #157277Erik D. Slater
MemberWell ... the good news is that you haven't actually uploaded the JS file proposed by Christoph to your server yet 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedIn -