Forum Replies Created
Erik D. Slater
MemberWhen I hesitated to suggest you delete the file, I was referring to the possibility that you may want it back again at some point in the future 🙂
The easiest way to handle files in WordPress is to use FTP software ... the digital window to your server's WordPress soul 🙂
FileZilla is as good a choice as any.
Having said all that, if you have access to Appearance -> Editor - and I really don't recommend this approach - then you could modify front-page.php so that
add_action( 'genesis_meta', 'executive_home_genesis_meta' );
//add_action( 'genesis_meta', 'executive_home_genesis_meta' );
That will at least remove your showstopping blocker 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberSo I just had a quick looksy at your site ... and I see you've got things working 🙂
If you don't want the large spacing under the header on devices with narrower widths, you can remove min-height: 250px; from the following lines in your style.css file:
- 1094
- 1089
- 1097
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberSo you've set the front page to display latest posts, right?
You may also need to rename the front-page.php page to something like z_front-page.php ... I hesitate to tell you to delete it 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberI wouldn't use the page-id class directly. If you ever decide to move things around and that identifier changes, you will be an unhappy bunny 🙂
Instead, add a class to the Custom Body Class field in the Layout Settings of your page, e.g. km-groovy-page ... then you can access any CSS selector for that page, for example:
.km-groovy-page .widget-title
.km-groovy-page #featured-page-2Beyond that, provide us with a link so that we helpful folk can get you sorted out 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
Member(1) You upload your image via Appearance -> Customize -> Header Image
(2) The code will work as long as the Genesis child theme allows you to upload your image as described in (1) above
(3) It will be responsive ... the
<img />
tag accommodates responsive behaviour by designUnless someone gets there before me, I'll figure out your CSS stuff later on (since I have a client meeting in a few minutes). This is just a quick follow-up to hopefully allow you to move forward a little bit 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberYeah, it's hard-coded into the front-page.php theme file ... which has the following code:
// Force content-sidebar layout setting add_filter( 'genesis_pre_get_option_site_layout', '__genesis_return_content_sidebar' );
You can either remove these lines ... or change
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberBacking up @Christoph here ...
Not only is it typical behaviour ... it is the desired behaviour. You absolutely want to have those two pages pointing (i.e. redirecting) to one page ... what is referred to here as the canonical URL.
If and are the same page - and there is no redirect action in place - then we have the age-old duplicate content issue. Not the end of the world by any means ... but the search engines would then need to decide which of the two to index and/or rank. They may index both (I've seen Bing do that, while Google generally doesn't) ... but they certainly won't rank both.
In any case, your visitor experience is more important than search engine activity ... since you don't really want to confuse your visitors 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberI actually solved this very issue for someone else on the Copyblogger forums (i.e. not here on StudioPress).
I'm a little lacking in time at this very moment ... but here is the code for functions.php to get you started, along with some explanations in comments:
// Modify "custom header" image for fully-scalable browser/mobile responsive behaviour add_filter('genesis_seo_title', 'eds_genesis_seo_title', 10, 3); function eds_genesis_seo_title($title, $inside, $wrap) { echo str_replace( $inside, '<a href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'">'. // "Site Address (URL)" from Settings -> General '<img src="'.get_header_image().'" width="'.get_theme_support('custom-header', 'width').'" height="'.get_theme_support('custom-header', 'height').'" alt="" />'. // Adds custom header using <img /> rather than CSS definitions '<span>'.get_bloginfo('name').'</span>'. // Adds "Site Title" back in (use CSS on the <span> tag to (1) hide the text from the user, and (2) show the text to the search engines) '</a>', $title ); }
The point of the code above is to make your header use the
<img />
tag rather than rely solely on CSS to define your header ... while allowing you to continue using the customizer in your admin dashboard.Further CSS changes are required. I may have time later on to look into your specific case ... or someone else can pick it up from here ... I'm easy that way 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberI still don’t know how to edit the code via ftp. My host said to me my site was blacked out because I edited on function.php. I thought I edited the code through via ftp.
Just to confirm - in case it's not clear - but you should:
(1) use FTP to download the file from the server to your machine
(2) make edits to the file on your machine
(3) use FTP to upload the file from your machine to the serverNever try to edit a file directly on the server 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberThis might help get you on your way:
// Replace "Sorry, no content matched your criteria." message remove_action('genesis_loop_else', 'genesis_do_noposts'); add_action('genesis_loop_else', 'eds_genesis_loop_else', 10, 0); function eds_genesis_loop_else() { echo YOUR GROOVY NO-POSTS MESSAGE HERE ... }
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberOh ... it seems you can't.
Contact your host ASAP 🙂 Your home page is still displaying OK due to caching ... but other pages are not.
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberOh ... sorry ... yes, it means whatever you did hasn't crashed your site ... as far as I can tell. You can still log into your WordPress admin area, right?
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberAlso Ikuko - just to say ... your web site isn't currently down ...
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberIt's possible that your IP address may have been temporarily blacklisted ... not in a bad or permanent way ... just as a server security measure ... which would simply take an email or support ticket to your hosting provider to get it whitelisted again. This sort of thing can happen if you had too many failed connections. It happened to me the other week when I set up a new FTP account but couldn't connect properly ...
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberIt's not clear what you're after here.
Are you talking about the spacing above "BEGIN YOUR BEST YEAR EVER" and below the "CONTACT US TODAY!" link-not-button? Or just the spacing around the "CONTACT US TODAY!" link-not-button?
Note that the height of the widget area varies ... and gets updated via this JavaScript resource ...
A screenshot that marks the areas of concern would be absolutely groovy at this point ...
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberErik D. Slater
MemberOne thing we both neglected to mention is that the opacity value ranges from 0 to 1 ... with 0 being completely invisible ... and 1 being fully visible ...
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberUmmm ... you don't have the Genesis option down the left-hand side of your admin dashboard?
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberMaybe we're both right ... and there is always the chance that we both got it completely wrong 🙂
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedInErik D. Slater
MemberMoving the file from the left to the right is the upload bit 🙂
If you are not seeing your changes, You may need to clear down your cache. In your case, you appear to be using WP Super Cache. You may also need to refresh your browser. Of course, it could also be that your changes had no effect ...
Erik D. Slater: Digital Platform Consultant • LinkedIn -