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That second post you linked to sounds exactly like what I am looking for! Like I said I had figured it out for other wordpress sites but was having trouble translating to Genesis sites! Yahoo!I'll let you know if it works the way I'm thinking!
Thanks for your help all,
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
I'm sorry I believe I did only ask one question per topic. My original question had nothing to do with the featured image and your post you linked dealt with changing featured images---I was asking for clarification on how to apply that to what I had asked. Did I misinterpret your answer?Tulio,
Thanks I'll check those out!-Kristi
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
that looks good but I'm at a loss as to change it to add a post title image (and keep the featured image of the post in tact) and add the divider image?
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
I need something that targets only the first post on the home page only, not the entire home page. If that makes sense?
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
MemberAre they each in a different widget area? If so, can use the css for each widget (.home-middle-1 and .home-middle-2 for example) and change the widths there?
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
MemberHave you tried to change the 33.333% found in this bit of css?
.home-middle .widget, .home-top .widget {
and just change the width to whatever percentage you were thinking of.
I used Firebug and was able to change that width to 50% and see both columns widen out to fill the screen.
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
Membernevermind. The css was still overriding what I had done previously. All fixed
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
MemberIs there a way to remove it from the main page only? I added the 'is_home' to the functions but when you click on a post the single post page appears over the header.
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.November 18, 2013 at 10:55 am in reply to: Changing the Number of posts on the homepage in Balance theme #73964CreativeKristi
MemberI see the featured posts setting but didn't see the 'teasers' setting you had mentioned. I had set the Reading settings to 11 as well and it didn't change anything--which is why I came here to ask what to do haha.
I ended up putting a fresh functions.php on the site for other reasons and changing the post_per_page worked after that. Oh well.
Thanks for the reply! 🙂
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.November 18, 2013 at 10:37 am in reply to: Changing the Number of posts on the homepage in Balance theme #73959CreativeKristi
MemberCorrect--That's all that is in the home.php for changing posts. I didn't see anything else?
if ( function_exists( 'genesis_grid_loop' ) ) { genesis_grid_loop( array( 'features' => 1, 'feature_image_size' => 0, 'feature_image_class' => 'align none post-image', 'feature_content_limit' => 0, 'grid_image_size' => 'grid', 'grid_image_class' => 'align none post-image', 'grid_content_limit' => 0, 'more' => __( 'Continue reading...', 'genesis' ), 'posts_per_page' => 11, ) );
Am I just not seeing what you are talking about? If the post per page was depreciated then the other thing should be there correct?
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.November 18, 2013 at 10:11 am in reply to: Changing the Number of posts on the homepage in Balance theme #73951CreativeKristi
You can see in my original post that I had already tried that. No matter, I got something else figured out.
Thanks though!
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.November 18, 2013 at 10:05 am in reply to: Centering Genesis Responsive Slider on executive pro theme #73950CreativeKristi
Thanks! It was in there but adding it a second time (?!) made it work. Weird huh?
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.November 16, 2013 at 8:05 pm in reply to: Genesis Featured Posts Widget to display horizontally? #73494CreativeKristi
Yes I know. I was asking how to do that. What is the code that I need to modify. I've tried different floats and margins and padding to that widget area and nothing changes them stacking vertically and not just going horizontally.Thanks!
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
MemberThank you!
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
MemberNevermind--figured it out on the original test site. I still had Genesis Post Teasers plugin activated and apparently this theme doesn't like that 😉
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
MemberProbably changed the featured posts to 1 instead of 2 but I uploaded the craftiness theme (fresh version) to another test site to check the home.php file and now THAT test site is repeating posts as well. (this is with the up-to-date version of Genesis and Craftiness and wordpress and zero plugins).
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
MemberThey are repeating on the homepage. The first post is titled 'Sample Post With Image Aligned Left' and if you keep scrolling down you will see that same post after the 'Hello World' one and then they all repeat. Even the Date and 'leave a comment' text repeats on those 2nd posts.
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
Memberwhoops! Sorry. It's live now.
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
MemberNever mind- answered my own question. I had mistakenly put the header image as the background in the
.header-image #title a {
instead as a background in the
#header {
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone.CreativeKristi
MemberThis test site has a full size header (1000px wide) with a widget on top of the image for just the social media icons. It is the craftiness theme. No z-index used. I just put the text/html widget in the header widget and it worked.
I work at Creative Kristi Designs
I play at Creative Kristi
Affordable. Beautiful. Personal. Custom. Design for everyone. -