Forum Replies Created
MemberThanks Christoph! That was too easy 🙂
MemberYes, I have an archive-portfolio.php and it simply removes all content except the post title, then runs genesis(). Just having trouble with the custom loop and logic. I appreciate your time!
Thanks again!
MemberIf you already found it, I used this solution for the front-page-1 widget,
MemberThat worked! That's the first thing I tried, but when I changed the value in Chrome's dev tools, there was no change in the browser. After changing my css file and uploading, it worked. Your suggestion was just the nudge I needed to try again - thanks!
MemberThanks Brad. I was hoping that was the case too, but it didn't work for me. I've searched all of the theme files, but no luck so far. If you have any more thoughts, please send them this way :).
MemberTo accomplish what I think you're asking for, I put the entire Responsive Menu section consisting of:
.responsive-menu-icon::afterinto this media query:
@media only screen and (max-width: 1080px)You could put it into any of the media queries depending on when you want to change from the full menu to the icon.
Member“wp-contents/uploads/2014/09″ is the wrong location as its an uploads folder for media not themes
Thanks for replying. I must not have been clear. I am using the built in installer. After the 500 error, WP was trying to upload new themes to the wrong folder. What would trigger that? That's fixed now though thanks to my host. Just wondering if it gives a clue regarding the error.
At this point, I've removed all plugins except Akismet. Every theme except Exec Pro works. As soon as I install Exec Pro, I get the 500 error. Once I remove Exec Pro via FTP, all goes back to normal.
MemberWow. I finally accomplished my goal. Thank you for your help!
I tried everything in the tutorials and read the resources you posted. My main problem in trying to remove the post meta was that my theme, Executive Pro, relocated the "post info" with a higher priority so everything I tried wasn't working.
Basically, this part in my functions.php file does what I was looking for in case anyone can follow my convoluted thread here and wonders about the solution.
//* Relocate the post info remove_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'genesis_post_info', 12 ); remove_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'genesis_post_meta' ); //* Removed from theme so meta is not added to Single Event Pages //* add_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'genesis_post_info', 5 );
Thanks for your patience!
MemberThank you! I did some testing and the plugin is indeed using the correct file (single-event.php). The tutorials have been helpful but I must be missing something that is probably very obvious. How do remove the meta data that single-event.php is outputting?
Is the "Default Template" that my pages use, page.php from the Genesis folder? If so, where does it remove the meta data? I'll keep researching and learning :).
MemberThank you both for replying. I think I'm getting closer.
I don't actually need to make any customizations. I only want my event plugin to use a "page" template instead of a "post" template because I don't want the meta data on each event page. It sounds like the plugin advises duplicating the "page" template and renaming it "single-event.php" so the plugin will recognize it. If I copied the page.php file from the Genesis framework (there isn’t one in the child theme) and named it single-event.php and put it in my child theme folder, should that meet the following requirements?
If you choose ‘Pages’ then events will be shown using your theme default page template, alternatively choose from page templates that come with your specific theme. Be aware that some themes will not work with this option, if so (or you want to make your own changes), you can create a file named single-event.php as shown on the wordpress codex, and leave this set to Posts.
My confusion comes in because page.php only has the Genesis () loop in it and I'm not exactly sure what that includes.
Thanks again!!
MemberThank you for replying Summer! The events are stored in the database so a page or post isn't created with each event. I was trying to follow the plugin's instructions above (in quotes), but wasn't confident that I had created the single-event.php file correctly. I think now that the problem is that the plugin settings aren't working correctly. I'm checking there too!
I still wonder though, did I create the single-event.php file correctly? I copied the page.php file from the Genesis framework (there isn’t one in the child theme) and named it single-event.php and put it in my child theme folder.
Thanks again!
MemberThanks for the reply! I just want to change it for branding purposes which I've done many times in the past just before or immediately after installing. For various reasons I set up the theme, widgets, slider, etc. before doing it and when I change the name it really throws off all the settings.
MemberThank you! I'm almost there and hope to finish on my own. I appreciate your help!
MemberThank you so much for helping me with this. It's so close! I tried figuring out how to do it from here, but still can't figure out how to output it before the content as on this page,
Thanks again.
MemberThanks Brad. This is the code from home.php that I think I want on every page,
<div id="home-top-bg"> <div id="home-top"> <div class="home-top-left"> <?php if (!dynamic_sidebar('Home Top Left')) : ?> <div class="widget"> <?php if( function_exists('wp_cycle') ) : ?> <?php wp_cycle(); ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div><!-- end .home-top-left --> <div class="home-top-right"> <?php if (!dynamic_sidebar('Home Top Right')) : ?> <div class="widget"> <h4><?php _e("Home Top Right", 'genesis'); ?></h4> <p><?php _e("This is a widgeted area which is called Home Top Right. It is using the Genesis - Featured Page widget to display what you see on the Metric child theme demo site. To get started, log into your WordPress dashboard, and then go to the Appearance > Widgets screen. There you can drag the Genesis - Featured Page widget into the Home Top widget area on the right hand side.", 'genesis'); ?></p> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div><!-- end .home-top-right --> </div><!-- end #home-top --> </div><!-- end #home-top-bg -->
I'm pretty sure I can't put that into the functions.php file so I must not be understanding your advice.
Thanks again for your help.
MemberI was having a problem with embedding a Vimeo video directly in the post. I found that the vimeo code didn't include "https:" before "//player". When I manually added it, it worked!
MemberFrom what I've gathered in the WP forums, there is no way to "unattach" media from a post.
Another theme author said that if a featured image is not set, her theme pulls the first image attached to a post and uses that. It seems like that is what's happening here. Where in Genesis or Metric is that code and how can I change it? I looked in functions.php for Metric but couldn't find it.
MemberHmmm, I'm using Metric. Even if the theme included that code...once the image is removed from the post, it shouldn't display any longer. Sounds like a WP problem. I'll try those forums.
Thank you for your responses.
MemberYou should be able to remove it if you can add it.
I agree, but when I DO remove it, it remains attached to the post somewhere behind the scenes. I have figured out that if I upload media from the media tab on the dashboard, THEN go to my post and add it as a featured image, I can remove it again.
If I upload an image within "Set Featured Image" on a post, then try to remove it, it still shows up on my site even though it doesn't show up on the Edit Post page.
I've never had this happen on a site before...any thoughts?
MemberThat's a great idea and it works. I'm wondering though why I can't "Remove Featured Image" when I edit the post. That seems like a basic WP task. What if I want to assign a featured image to some posts, but not others? If I try out an image on a post and decide against using it, how can I remove the featured image?
Thanks again for your help!